We all know that children need special care in various aspects of your life. Hygiene is one of these important aspects and guarantees, among other benefits, a more effective protection against diseases.
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In addition, it is in childhood that children learn about hygiene, taking this learning for the rest of their lives. Given the importance of maintaining the child hygiene, we have separated five hygiene habits that every child should have.
1. Wash hands
Always wash your hands is, without a doubt, the main point when we talk about hygiene, be it children's or adults' hygiene. Our hands come into contact with a large number of surfaces, which may be contaminated. By putting our noes in the mouth, nose, eyes or even eating without proper cleaning of the hands, we can allow disease-causing agents enter our body.
Several diseases can be prevented with the simple act of washing your hands,
like intestinal infections and even the the flu. Therefore, we must always teach children the importance of washing their hands, especially before eating and after going to the bathroom.Read too:Soap water or alcohol gel: which is the most effective?
2. Cut the nails
As we know, many children are constantly playing with dirt, mud and pets, for example. These situations can allow disease-causing organisms to get under the nails if they are not properly cut.
To avoid the accumulation of dirt under the nails, it is essential cut them up and keep them very clean. For this, you can adopt the daily habit of cleaning your nails, a procedure that can be done with a small brush.
3. To have a bath
To have a bath it is also critical to ensure our body's cleanliness. In the case of children, extra attention must be given, since sweat can be responsible for promoting skin allergies and diaper rash. In addition, during games, there is constant contact with surfaces that may contain disease-causing microorganisms.
One curious fact is that many children do not like to take a bath, it is important to make this moment pleasant. The use of toys while bathing can be an alternative. In addition, another important point is to create a routine with the child, determining at which times the cleaning will be performed.
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4. To brush your teeth
brush the teeth and flossing are hygiene habits that should be performed by children and people of all ages, this being a basic care to ensure oral health. You teeth should be brushed at least three times a day, preferably after meals and before bedtime, and the floss must be used daily.
We must also not forget to visit the dentist regularly, which is recommended at least once a year. THE oral hygiene it is essential to prevent the development of cavities, gingivitis and reduce plaque and bad breath.
5. wear clean clothes
Wearing clean clothes is also about child hygiene. must always change the child's clothes after bathing and underwear should never be repeated. Dirty socks should also not be worn.
Did you see? Basic everyday attitudes can prevent various illnesses in children, in addition, it helps to form adults more aware of the need to take care of the body. always remember that caring for the body begins in childhood.
By Ma. Vanessa Sardinha dos Santos
Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/saude-na-escola/5-habitos-higiene-que-toda-crianca-deve-ter.htm