Diesel oil. Diesel oil characteristics

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Consisting basically of hydrocarbons (hydrogen and carbon atoms), diesel oil is a fossil fuel obtained through the distillation of petroleum. This substance is in its liquid physical state, with a yellowish color, a characteristic odor, in addition to having a low toxic content and being little flammable.

This fuel was named after the German engineer Rudolf Diesel, who, in 1895, developed an engine powered by peanut oil (biodiesel). However, oil has become the main raw material in the production of diesel oil, as this material has greater energy potential.

Diesel oil, after being processed, is used as fuel for diesel cycle engines, especially in trucks, buses, small maritime vessels, tractors, locomotives, automobiles, industrial machinery, etc. In Brazil, Petróleo Brasil S/A (Petrobrás) is the main responsible for the production and distribution of diesel oil and, in order to increase the quality of the product, the company developed the Diesel Oil Quality Evolution Program, resulting in a reduction in the emission of pollutants and greater efficiency of the fuel.

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Despite being quite efficient, the intense use of diesel oil triggers several environmental problems. Burning this fuel releases polluting gases into the atmosphere, especially carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide, sulfur, among others; this fact contributes to the global warming process. Aiming to alleviate the environmental damage caused by the combustion of diesel oil, researchers have developed a method to mix biodiesel (of vegetable origin) with petroleum diesel, thus reducing gas emissions pollutants.

By Wagner de Cerqueira and Francisco
Graduated in Geography
Brazil School Team

Fossil fuels - Fuels
geography - Brazil School

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FRANCISCO, Wagner de Cerqueira and. "Diesel oil"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/geografia/diesel.htm. Accessed on June 28, 2021.

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