The Ministry of Education (MEC) published an Ordinance in today's edition, October 11, of the Official Gazette of the Union, which institutes the Program to Promote the Implementation of Full-Time Schools. In total, a maximum of 257,400 students will be enrolled in up to 572 high schools.
See Ordinance No. 1.145
The development program is one of the stages of the high school reform. According to the Ordinance, selected schools must respect a minimum workload of 2,250 minutes (37.5 hours) per week, with a minimum of 300 minutes per week of Portuguese Language, 300 of Mathematics and 500 for flexible part activities (to be defined).
States must formalize the adhesion by signing a term of commitment and preparing an implementation plan. Afterwards, the education departments must indicate the schools that are able to participate in the program, up to the limit of their state, serving the minimum number of 2,800 students.
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See below the division of schools and vacancies by state:
The maximum number of schools per state is 30.
The enrolled schools will undergo a selection process, whose schedule will be established later by the Secretariat of Basic Education (SEB), and those selected will receive funds from the federal government, through transfers to the states and District Federal. To guarantee the more than 500 thousand enrollments by 2018, the federal government foresees an investment of R$ 1.5 billion.
The Federal Government will monitor the selected schools, which must have a minimum number of enrollments, a reduction in the average dropout rate and failure, reaching the required infrastructure condition, having at least 75% participation in Enem and scoring above the state average in the exam.