What is electric current?

 THE electric current is the orderly flow of electrical charges, which move in an oriented way in a electrical conductor solid or in ionic solutions. This is a fundamental quantity in Physics, since, without electric current, it would not be possible, for example, to make any electrical appliance or electronic.

How does the movement of loads arise?

You free electrons are stimulated to move by the conductor, which generates electrical current because of a electrical potential difference (ddp or electrical voltage) established between the ends of the conductor. The ddp is established on the driver from a electric field that goes through the material. This field provides different levels of potential energy, thus creating the voltage needed to generate the movement of electrical charges.

Mind Map: Electric Current

Mind Map: Electric Current

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Calculating the electric current

The intensity of the electric current is determined by the ratio between the amount of electric charges that cross a certain section of a conductor and the time spent in passing these charges.

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The terms of the equation above, as well as their units of measure that are in accordance with the International System of Units, they are:

i:Electric current intensity (A - ampere);

Q:Electric charge (C - coulomb);

At:Time interval (s - seconds).

Direct and alternating current

Electric current is said to be continuous when its direction in the circuit is unique, that is, the movement of the charge carriers that make up the current always happens in the same way. When the direction of movement of charge carriers is variable, the electrical current is called alternating current.

The electric current from Batteries it is of the continuous type, but the current that reaches the outlets of homes and businesses is alternating. the transmission of electricity it is made by means of alternating current, since, in this way, there is much less loss of signal strength. If transmission were via direct current, the loss of power would be great, which would hamper the ability to transmit electrical energy.

By Joab Silas da Silva Junior
Graduated in Physics

*Mental Map by Me. Rafael Helerbrock

Would you like to reference this text in a school or academic work? Look:

JUNIOR, Joab Silas da Silva. "What is electric current?"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/o-que-e/fisica/o-que-e-corrente-eletrica.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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