What is the Organ of IRS?
The Internal Revenue Service of Brazil is the agency responsible for processing the CPF (Individual Taxpayer Registration) and CNPJ (National Legal Entity Register); administration of internal taxes and foreign trade, management and execution of collection activities, launching, administrative collection, inspection, tax research and investigation, and collection control administered; management and execution of administration, inspection and customs control services; repression of smuggling and embezzlement, within the limits of its scope; preparation and judgment, in the first instance, of the administrative processes for determining and demanding federal tax credits; interpretation, application and elaboration of proposals for the improvement of federal tax and customs legislation; subsidy to the formulation of tax and customs policy; subsidy to the elaboration of the budget of tax revenues and benefits of the Union; interaction with the citizen through the various service channels, in person or at a distance; fiscal education for the exercise of citizenship; formulation and management of the economic-fiscal information policy; promotion of integration with related public and private bodies, through agreements for the exchange of information, methods and techniques of fiscal action and for the rationalization of activities, including the delegation of competence; acting in international cooperation and in the negotiation and implementation of international agreements on tax and customs matters; management of material, financial, human and technological resources.
Individual Declaration
Legal Entity Declaration
Proof of Enrollment and Registration Status
CPF: Registration, 2nd. Via, Other Guidelines
CPF Suspended or Pending Regularization - How to Regularize?
Individual and Legal Programs, Forms, Information Leaflets
Service Addresses
Clearance Certificates:
Guidelines and Certificate Issuance - Individual
Guidelines and Issuance of the Certificate - Legal Entity
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Guidelines and Certificate Issuance - Rural Property
Proof of Enrollment and Registration Status
CNPJ: Enrollment, Who is obligated to enroll, Enrollment cancellation etc.
CNPJ: Registration of Legal Entity domiciled abroad
CNAE Fiscal: National Classification of Economic Activities - Fiscal
Tables Used by the CNPJ Program
See Processes: COMPROT
Process Consultation and Monitoring
ESAF - Mission: to develop people to improve public finance management and promote citizenship.
Copy of Declarations and Documents:
Required Documentation, What can be requested
Declarations of the Individual
Legal Entity Statements
Submission of Declarations - Recipenet Program
Deadlines for Delivery of Statements
Legislation by Subject, by Legal Act, SIJUT, Appointments, International Agreements
Tax Schedule, Rates and Tables, DARF, Revenue Codes, Selic Interest, Installments, Personal Income Tax, Sicalc, Ufir
Par Self-regulation of the Tax Situation
Debt Installment:
General, Special Installment (PAES), REFIS, Simple Installment
Income Tax Refund - Individual
+ Internal Revenue Services:
Billing Notice - Corporate Current Account
Calculation and Issuance of Darf for payment of IRPF Quotas
Miscellaneous Orientations
Electronic Payment
Rectification of Darf - Redarf
Sicalc - Program for Calculating and Printing Darf
See more!
What is Tax?
Personal Income Tax
Would you like to reference this text in a school or academic work? Look:
SCHOOL, Team Brazil. "Brazil's federal revenue"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/economia/receita-federal.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.