Chemical composition of the cell

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All living beings have molecules and elements that are essential for their composition and metabolism. It is a wide variety of organic and inorganic substances that are part of this composition. Here we will get to know a little of these substances.

organic substances

Proteins: present in all cellular structures. They are made up of amino acids and their presence is essential for the body's metabolism. Proteins form the enzymes;

Vitamins:they can be water soluble (water soluble) or fat soluble (lipid soluble). They are needed in small amounts by the body, and miss you can cause disease. Vitamins are acquired through a varied diet.

Carbohydrates or Carbohydrates or Sugars: they are fundamental, as they give energy to the cells and the organism. There are three types: monosaccharides, disaccharides and polysaccharides. Some have a structural function, such as cellulose and chitin; and reserve, such as starch and glycogen.

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Lipids:insoluble in water, act as

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power reserve, thermal insulation etc.. They are classified into glycerides, waxes, steroids, phospholipids and carotenoids. Make up cellular structures.

Inorganic substances

Mineral salts: formed by ions. Some of its functions are: form the skeleton, participate in blood clotting, transmission of nerve impulses, etc. Its lack can affect metabolism and lead to death.

Water:substance found in greater quantity in living beings. It can dissolve many substances, so it is classified as universal solvent. In the human body, it represents about 70% of body weight. It participates in numerous chemical reactions in our body. Water is essential for life!

By Paula Louredo
Graduated in Biology

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MORAES, Paula Louredo. "Chemical composition of the cell"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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