Meaning of the Wedding of flowers and fruits (4 years of marriage) (What they are, Concept and Definition)

Flower and fruit wedding is the name given to the commemoration of 4 years of marriage of a couple.

Wedding comes from the Latin word "vote"which means promise. The tradition of celebrating wedding anniversaries emerged in Germany, especially with the celebration of 25 and 50 years of marriage.

The weddings of these years are called silver and gold, as couples used to receive wreaths made from these materials at each of these celebrations.

The materials that represent the wedding start with the most fragile and are portrayed by more resistant, which can represent the union itself, which strengthens as time goes passing.

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Flower and Fruit Wedding

Flowers and fruits are used as the main symbol for the celebration of this wedding.

The flower and fruit weddings represent the fourth year of marriage and the weddings that precede it are: paper (1 year), cotton (2 years) and wheat (3 years).

The wedding of flowers and fruits has a special meaning, as it is a phase of ripening of the relationship. The flowers, like the relationship, are

fragile and they need to be watered and nurtured so that they remain strong and flourish.

Fruits also require dedication and care, they need to be accompanied and must be picked at the right time so that they are tasty and succulent.

Fruits also refer to fertility, a special symbol for couples who have or wish to have children.

Usually only the most important weddings, such as the golden and silver weddings, are celebrated, but every year they can be celebrated by the couple to strengthen the vows they made on their wedding day.

To celebrate their 4-year wedding anniversary, it is common for couples to use flowers and fruits as gifts or as decorations for a romantic breakfast or dinner.

See also the meaning of paper wedding, cotton wedding, wheat wedding, golden wedding and silver wedding.

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