Lemuria: The Myth of Paradise Lost.

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Lemuria is one of the extinct continents, considered by many as the lost paradise, there is also Atlantis, another lost continent. To this day, historians, anthropologists, geologists, biologists, among other students and scientists, speculate on whether the missing land really existed. Thus, Lemuria became much more than a myth, a theoretical possibility on hypotheses of the secret of the formation of civilizations in the world. The notion of Lemuria first appeared to scientists in the mid-19th century, when the great enthusiasm by the new methods of classification and biological analysis appeared to reveal some coincidences Weird.

The word Lemuria was taken from the term lemur, and refers to those who have limited habitat with Africa, southern India and Malaysia; prehistoric animals that in the Eocene Age probably inhabited the entire Northern Hemisphere. Thus, the area that Lemuria must have occupied is understood to be the Malaysian archipelago, across the southern coast of Africa to Madagascar.

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Some believe that Lemuria could have been "the cradle of the human race". This speculation fits contemporary theories about how humanity has spread across the world in a series of migrations. From this theory, the myth was created that Lemuria could have been Eden, the lost Paradise, where humanity emerged.

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Per Letícia de Castro
Columnist Brazil School

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CASTRO, Letícia de. "Lemuria: The Myth of Paradise Lost."; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/mitologia/lemuria-mito-paraiso-perdido.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.


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