Op-art is an artistic movement that aims to give movement to paintings, Victor Vasarely was a pioneer among artists in the improvement of this art.
Op-art is produced by combining geometric figures especially in black and white, these combinations give the viewer the impression that the image on the screen is in motion.
When the viewer changes position, the piece in op-art gives him the impression that the work undergoes transformations. This art is in constant transformation. It was around the 60s that researches related to these optical sensations on screens emerged. The first op-art exhibition was held in 1965 and was named The Responsive Eye. The main op-art artists are: Alexander Calder and Victor Vasarely.
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See more! Optical illusion
by Eliene Percília
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PERCILIA, Eliene. "Op-art"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/artes/a-opart.htm. Accessed on June 28, 2021.