Deciduous forest. Aspects of the deciduous forest

Deciduous means decaying leaves, that is, falling leaves. This process takes place in the winter season and only sprouts again in spring.

This type of vegetation, in its original composition, occupied vast areas of the European continent, northeast coast of the United States and southeast of Canada. However, its constant exploration resulted in a relevant reduction of native areas, and those that remained are protected by strict environmental laws.

In places that present this type of vegetative composition, a climate with four distinct seasons of the year prevails, winters are harsh and snow occasionally rains and rains are regular throughout the year. year.

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In autumn, the leaves of the trees exhibit colors characteristic of this type of vegetation, such as red, orange, gold and copper.

In these forests there is a great diversity of flora life such as oak, maple, beech and walnut and fauna such as bear, deer, squirrels, wolves, foxes, hares, as well as reptiles, amphibians, countless birds, insects, among others.

By Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography

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FREITAS, Eduardo de. "Deciduous Forest"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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