E-learning: Aspects About Active Learning

When planning a course in the distance modality via e-learning, that is, online, a posture committed to the process of developing the construction of knowledge is necessary. Campos (2004) suggests planning with a dynamic character, based on an active learning approach.
The aspects announced by the author for the implementation of an online Distance Education (EAD) program are related to the selection of information; communication with peers; cooperation-collaboration and control-management.
The skills and abilities of the team involved in planning/implementing/evaluating a course via the Web must be leveraged from the totality inherent to the construction process, providing a doing, action consistent with the reality of those involved, considering a multidisciplinary team, from a group of agents qualified with communicative and technical skills, we will have an articulated management to assume roles understood in a holistic view of the entire process, either decentralizer.
The control of the entire functioning of a Virtual Learning Environment (AVA) is done by planned activities problematizing the learning, which will contemplate, based on criteria, the way to organize the procedures and strategies of teaching-learning.

According to Netto (2006, p. 54) cooperative environment, “environment whose objectives are collaborative work and online participation. There is a lot of interaction between participants through online communication, building research, discovering new challenges and solutions”.
Given this context, we can think of a VLE that legitimizes communication for the construction of knowledge from a space of exchange, in which the community will guide a practice committed to cooperation for an intervention in the environment, in a way that provokes a disruption of what is imposed on us by a protagonist position, considering the educational action in a way holistic.
Thinking about communication when planning a course via the Web is to find ways to guarantee interaction in the educational environment based on actions communicative, supporting distance education as a way of educating committed to the construction of knowledge from interactive mediations.
Preparing materials to be made available in VLE requires a constant concern in EAD, thinking about construction of knowledge in the distance modality, makes us reflect with which materials we should work. Develop contextualized materials, aimed at the target audience, provoking a meaning from problematization, providing a holistic view of the process, providing opportunities individual relationships to reflect their values ​​and collective to guarantee possibilities is a way to guarantee learning via distance learning, of course, relating to other aspects for this success.
Campos (2004, p.55) emphasizes the importance of technological mechanisms and technical requirements for the development of a course via e-learning,
“e-mail and forum to support communication between peers and carry out cooperation; search engines for selecting the information needed to build knowledge; mechanisms to manage, observe and control the course development”.
Following are recommendations according to Corrêa and Ribeiro (2004), to assist in the implementation of a virtual learning environment:
- support learning activities in problem tasks;
- propose realistic and relevant problems for students;
- propose problems that allow the student to predict what will happen and test their solutions;
- stimulate collaboration, dialogue and negotiation in group work;
- create group activities and encourage multiple interpretations;
- guide the knowledge construction process.
However, we must reflect on our posture in the face of pedagogical action based on actions interconnected with others involved in the process of knowledge construction; be serious when preparing pedagogical proposals, consistent with the subject's reality, enabling means to from technological teaching materials committed to the formation of a collective space of actions-reflections; assume a partner position in the construction of the process, emphasizing the importance of joint relationships throughout the process; automate the aspects raised in this discussion, regarding its success, from a paradigm shift in distance learning; among other points that arise from the performance of those involved in face of their needs and possibilities.
Bibliographic references
CAMPOS, G. H. B. in. Project planning in distance education. In: CORRÊA, J.; RIBEIRO, V. M. B. Skills, planning and assessment. In: SENAC. Rio de Janeiro: SENAC. Version 3.0. 2004.
CORRÊA, J.; RIBEIRO, V. M. B. Skills, planning and assessment. In: SENAC. Rio de Janeiro: SENAC. Version 3.0. 2004.
NETTO, Carla. Interactivity in virtual learning environments. In: I would, Elaine Turk. Face-to-face and virtual education: essential complementary spaces in schools and companies. Porto Alegre: EDIPUCRS, 2006.

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By Rodiney Marcelo Braga
Specialist in Distance Education (SENAC).
Specialist in School Management (UECE).
Email: [email protected]
Columnist Brazil School

education - Brazil School

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PERCILIA, Eliene. "E-learning: Aspects About Active Learning"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/educacao/elearning-aspectos-acerca-aprendizagem-ativa.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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