October 12th – Children's Day

When we hear about Children's Day, the image that comes to mind is always one: gifts. This, of course, could not be otherwise, because who doesn't like gifts? However, the celebration of Children's Day is not just about giving gifts to our little ones. In fact, this date is quite significant for what the child really represents.

Origin of International and Universal Children's Days

Officially, one of the first conventions on an international commemorative date in honor of the child took place in 1925, during the World Conference for Child Welfare, held in Geneva, Switzerland. On that occasion, June 1st was marked as International Children's Day. The previous year, 1924, the so-called “League of Nations” founded the “Declaration of the Rights of the Child” to support the special care that should be taken in relation to all children given the fragility of human beings in their childhood. This measure resulted in legal acts prohibiting child labor and violence against children.

Read too: When should the child not go to school?

Later, in 1954, during the United Nations General Assembly, November 20 was established as Universal Children's Day. The aim was to encourage other countries to set a date to promote actions that would guarantee children's rights and well-being. In 1959, the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted the “Declaration of the Rights of the Child”, with some modifications, and each country started to establish a commemorative date to celebrate the rights of the kid.

Do not stop now... There's more after the advertising ;)

Children's Day in Brazil

In Brazil, however, the date had already been stipulated in the 1920s. The federal deputy of Rio de Janeiro, Galdino do Valle Filho, managed to pass the law in 1924, which instituted the day October 12th like the Children's Day.

See too:Child and Adolescent Statute

However, this date would go unnoticed until the 1950s, when there was a marketing campaign by the toy company Star. The toy maker used the date to promote its “Baby Robusto” doll line. Years later, the date was once again reinforced by the advertising campaign of the children's hygiene products company Johnson & Johnson. The company launched the “Baby Johnson” campaign, which had its first edition in 1965 and ended up becoming the best known children's beauty contest in the country.
by Lucas Oliveira
Graduated in Sociology

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RODRIGUES, Lucas de Oliveira. "October 12th – Children's Day"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/datas-comemorativas/dia-da-crianca.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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