Lettuce: types, benefits and characteristics

THE lettuce is a vegetable originating from the east of the Mediterranean, being used in food for a long time, since 500 BC. Ç. Very popular, it is cultivated practically all over the world, being still very nutritious. It was brought to Brazil by the Portuguese in the 16th century.

Its scientific name is Lactuca Sativa, and it is a vegetable belonging to the family asteraceous, the same as chicory, endive, of the almeirão and the artichoke.

Lettuce leaves are ready for consumption when they are fresh, that is, when they have a shiny, firm appearance and no dark areas. When they have crumpled or yellowish leaves, it is better not consumethere.

Lettuce can be found in seven types of variations.
Lettuce can be found in seven types of variations.

With increasingly advanced technology, the vegetable is now sold in suitable packages that keep it tender for a longer period, as it is lost very quickly. So it is important to condition it refrigerated.

Also access:What is healthy eating?

Types of lettuce

It is a mistake to think that all lettuce is the same. It can be smooth, curly and have different shades of green or purple. In fact, there are

seven main types of lettuce, and they have very similar properties to each other, but with different flavors, textures and colors.

The main types of lettuce are:

  • iceberg lettuce: is the most common type of lettuce, easily found in supermarkets and street markets. It has light green color, light flavor and firm texture. Of the types of vegetables, it is the one with the lowest rate of vitamins.

  • Curly lettuce: the name itself says about its texture, it stands out for having phosphor and calcium in its composition.

  • Roman lettuce: with slightly crunchy leaves, it reminds us of another vegetable, chard, with the difference that the leaves are not so stiff. It is the source of vitamin K and magnesium.

  • Purple lettuce: gets its name for having the tip of its leaves in purple color. It also has high antioxidant power.

  • Plain lettuce: popularly called butter lettuce, it has a slightly accentuated bitterness. It doesn't have the crunchy look that other lettuce types do. Contains a lot of calcium and potassium, and is widely used in snacks and hamburgers.

  • Beaded lettuce: also known as lettuce frisee, is widely consumed in French cuisine, usually accompanied by a mustard sauce dijon. Features vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium and phosphorus.

  • Mimosa lettuce: It has a delicate aspect and may present its ends in purple color. It has a stronger bitterness.

Benefits of lettuce

The lettuce has low calorie, as each 100g of it contains only 15 calories. The sheet contains vitamin A, Vitamin Ç, niacin (vitamin B complex) and minerals such as calcium, phosphorus and iron. It is also rich in zinc, copper, sulfur, silicon, folic acid and chlorophyll.

Its consumption helps in the functioning of the eyesight, in the healing process, in the combat ininfections,in addition to strengthening bones and teeth. too works as a calming, combats insomnia and has a diuretic and laxative effect.

There is no restriction on the amount of lettuce consumed per day, but it is recommended to eat six to eight leaves daily.

See other benefits of this vegetable:

  • Food: the consumption of lettuce brings a feeling of satiety. This is due to quantity of fibers and Water present in each leaf of the vegetable. However, it is good to remember that no food alone helps to lose weight. Also in this sense, pay attention to the side dishes, since sauces that are very creamy or greasy can increase the consumption of calories.

  • Immune system: regular consumption of lettuce helps to maintain the strength of the human body, improving the body's defense mechanisms. With that, she becomes a good ally in the combat of the flu or cold.

  • Eyesight: for having vitamin A, lutein and zeaxanthin, carotenoid substances that act in the reduction of eye diseases, such as cataracts (which, if left untreated, can lead to blindness), daily consumption of lettuce can prevent this type of problem. health.

  • Intestinal functioning: also on the fibers present in lettuce leaves, they help to prevent intestinal constipation, helping to improve the transit that occurs in this organ. Among the important fibers of the vegetable, pectin stands out.

  • Soothing effect: Have you ever heard that eating lettuce makes you sleepy? Its leaves contain a substance known as lactucin, which relaxes the body and helps to fight even insomnia. This is why food is considered by some to be a natural tranquilizer.

  • Hydration: the lettuce leaf has in its constitution, approximately, 96% of water. Thus, its consumption helps to leave the body hydrated for longer. However, of course, nothing replaces water consumption.

  • Blood pressure: a diet rich in potassium helps to lower blood pressure. Thus, because this nutrient is found in lettuce leaves, it is possible that it has more of this benefit, since potassium helps to reduce the effects of sodium and dilate the blood vessels.

See too: Role of Vitamins in Eye Health

Lettuce Growing

Lettuce cultivation is appropriate in regions that have mild temperatures, between 20°C and 25°C. However, there are varieties on the market that make it possible to dispose of the vegetable throughout the year. For this, it is necessary to have be careful when choosing the seeds according to the climate of the time and/or the region. Also, high temperatures and a lot of light cause the leaf to flower early.

 by Erica Caetano

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