“What does only Brazil have?”: Brazilian peculiarities in the World Cup

FIFA (International Football Federation) emerged with 8 affiliated countries – Sweden, Spain, Switzerland, Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, Belgium and France. Currently, there are 207 members spread across five continents. The first World Cup was organized in 1930 and had only 13 participating countries. However, Brazil was already among them. In fact, Brazil is the only country that has participated in all the World Cups ever organized: it is the only country with this brand.

Another mark that only Brazil has in World Cups is the five-time championship, won in 1958, 1962, 1970, 1994 and 2002. The other countries with the most titles won in the championship are Italy, four times champions, Germany, three times Argentina and Uruguay, twice, and England and France, won the title only once. turn. In other words, Brazil has a very significant place in the World Cup, given that it is a championship that it happened 18 times, only seven countries were champions and, among them, Brazil was the only one to win five times.

Among all the glories of Brazil, there is one disappointing point in the history of World Cups that is hard to swallow up to this day: losing the championship in the middle of Maracanã. Brazil hosted the World Cup in 1950 and reached the final stage, facing Uruguay, in the dispute for the cup. This is a day that those who lived, say they cannot forget. We, who do not live, have the transcription of the recording to better understand the moment of the Uruguayan tiebreaker, on that day 16 July 1950:

“You have now charged Juvenal. Direct over the area. Chico jumps. Can't reach the ball. But he stayed in the opposite field (strong crowd). Crossed at the mouth of the goal! Relieved Gambetta! Come to Bauer. Bauer trimmed the leather across his chest. She tried to pass for an opposite. She was late for Jair. Jair then infiltrates. She pushed at the leather. He defended Tejera. He went back to Danilo. Danilo lost to Júlio Perez, who immediately handed it over to Miguez. Miguez returned it to Júlio Perez, who is fighting Jair, still inside the Uruguayan camp. He gave it to Ghiggia. Ghiggia returned it to Júlio Perez (fans), who gives depth to the right pointer. Run Ghiggia! Approach the goal of Brazil and shoot! (Twisted). Goal! Goal of Uruguay! Ghiggia! Uruguay's second goal. Two to one, Uruguay wins (...).”

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This excerpt, taken from Paulo Perdigão's transcription, is in Witter's book “Brief history of Brazilian football”. The narration of the moment, described there, reveals not only the move itself, but also shows the moments in which the fans reacted to the passes on the field. But this is just the tragic moment in Brazilian football. There are many other beautiful and winning moments. The 1958 World Cup was not only won by Brazil, but also revealed to the world a brilliant team, with all the emphasis on Pelé and Garrincha. Garrincha continued to gain attention at the 1962 World Cup in Chile, while Pelé was injured at the beginning of the tournament.

But it was in the 1970 World Cup that Brazil really stood out, led by Zagallo. The selection consisted of Félix, Britto, Piazza, Carlos Alberto, Clodoaldo, Marco Antônio, Jairzinho, Gérson, Tostão, Pelé, Rivellino, Ado, Roberto, Baldocchi, Fontana, Everaldo, Joel, Paulo César Caju, Edu, Dadá Maravilha, Zé Maria and Lion. Of the six games played, Brazil won all six. The final game was against Italy, with a score of 4-1. This team became the best team “of all time”: it went down in history. The other two titles were won in 1994 in the US and in 2002 in South Korea and Japan.

The result is that even today we hear from our parents, uncles and grandfathers, some stories about beautiful games that took place during the World Cups. And if, on the one hand, we have a moment that we want to forget, we have many others that we insist on remembering.

By Paula Rondinelli
Brazil School Collaborator
Graduated in Physical Education from the São Paulo State University “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” – UNESP
Master in Motricity Sciences from the São Paulo State University “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” – UNESP
Doctoral Student in Integration of Latin America at the University of São Paulo - USP

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