10 ways to prevent colds and flu

flu and colds are relatively common diseases caused by viruses. At two diseases are different, being even caused by different organisms. You colds, caused mainly by the rhinovirus, are milder than the flu and trigger a stuffy nose, cough, runny nose and body aches. THE the flu, in turn, is caused by the influenza virus and is more dangerous, causing high fever, muscle pain, headaches, runny nose and dry cough.

Despite their differences, flu and cold have common forms of transmission. The transmission of these pathologies can occur from directly, that is, from person to person through droplets of saliva that remain in the air after coughing, sneezing or even speaking. It can also occur from indirectly, when a person touches a contaminated surface and then places a hand over the mouth, nose or eyes.

It is possible to adopt measures to reduce the risk of contracting these two diseases. Here are 10 ways to prevent colds and flu:

1. Always wash your hands with soap and water;

2. Use disposable tissue to clean your nose;

3. Always cover your nose when coughing and sneezing (never with your hands);

4. Do not share personal items such as glasses and bottles;

5. Keep environments well ventilated;

6. Avoid closed and crowded places;

7. Avoid contact with sick people;

8. Always keep yourself hydrated and well-fed;

9. Avoid stressful situations;

10. exercise well.

It is important to point out that avoiding colds and flu is quite complicated, as there are several viruses, and these will, at some point, come into contact with our bodies. However, taking good care of your health, avoiding situations that facilitate infection and having attitudes that improve the functioning of the immune system are essential. That's why we should always eat well and practice physical exercise, practices that help the immune system.
Isn't the vaccine a way to prevent colds and flu?

Currently, are available flu shots only, therefore, a person who receives this vaccine is not immunized against the cold. For this reason, many people believe that the vaccine is ineffective, as they became sick even after the immunization.

It is also important to keep in mind that the flu virus mutates and that the virus that came into contact with your body is not always the one that the vaccine protects. Every year studies are carried out in order to ensure better protection against viruses currently circulating.
By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/saude-na-escola/10-formas-prevenir-se-gripes-resfriados.htm

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