Excellency, the school is doing badly

The term school comes from the Greek "schole" and means leisure devoted to study. By definition, school should be a very attractive and pleasant place, because leisure means rest and consecrated, in turn, is an adjective that qualifies what is sacred, what is holy. However, in today's school, the only thing sacred exists is teachers' self-denial.

A few days ago, I was kindly invited to speak with some eighth grade students from a certain public school in the city of Arraial do Cabo. Whose names of the school and whoever invited me can be omitted, that is irrelevant. But the fact is, without hesitation, I accepted the invitation. I was eager to know the reaction of young people to those who, modesty aside, bring a range of experience gathered from school benches, as a student for long years and, later, as a lecturer.

When I presented myself at school for the lecture, I was a little apprehensive. Honestly, I was afraid of being cornered by those questions that usually embarrass us, but it went well. The students didn't ask me any questions. However, the marks of disillusionment and disbelief could be seen on the face of each student. Young men and women seemed to be facing a fairy tale, when we approached the profile of the progress that school provides us. That the school rewards all those who dedicate themselves to studies, in the search for knowledge and wisdom.

The young students remained impassive, indifferent. They didn't seem to believe what we were saying. In every teenage face, sad eyes shone, some watery, not echoing the light of the future; others revealed the hopelessness of realizing their dreams, connoting the idea of ​​fragility to face the atrocious effect of retrograde teaching.

About the "school card", there were some closed books, perhaps humiliated for bringing in their pages useless teachings that do not reflect the real desire of today's youth. The pens were not seen on top of the "wallets", possibly they were hiding, embarrassed by the scribbles that they trace without drawing the marks of the true path of education and superior understanding of the world and of life, which is the wisdom. The erasers were there! Some bouncy, aware that you have to move to tarnish, to erase, the archaic teaching methods and introduce new and revolutionary processes to meet our reality.

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Teachers were seen, all working, some talking loud, very loud, which is understandable. There is a proverb that advises us to speak loud and clear. This is a way of animating, waking up, inciting, commanding, and even a way of waking up those who slumber. Are the cries of the teachers to wake up students or those responsible for the directive of education? Sincerely, I do not know! Were not the teachers, with their cries, smothering their moans? The groans of your own soul, that weeps for helplessness, that laments the contempt of public power for the noble causes of teaching? Wouldn't these cries be the whining of those who took on the divine priesthood of teaching and are prevented from to do so, for lack of resources, for lack of awareness of the leaders of this country, this State, this County? It is quite possible that yes!

We all know that the most edifying work is that of education. Schools shape the character and personality of a people and can, if well planned, provide the necessary bases for the individual's triumph and, if not, pervert him forever. Therefore, our schools need to be reformulated through lucid and logical plans. Through full and conscious articulation of planning adapted to the reality of our days.

For all this, YOUR EXCELLENCE, our schools are asking for help. Teachers ask for support. Students ask for changes. May help, support and change come as soon as possible. That's what everyone expects. And let talent take precedence over vanities and vain ideas, EXCELLENCE.

By Wenceslau da Cunha

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