Scalar acceleration: concepts, formulas and exercises

medium scalar acceleration is a physical quantity that measures the variation of speed (ov) of a mobile in a given time interval (Δt). The unit of acceleration in the International System of Units is m/s².

Lookalso: Introduction to the study of Kinematics

The word climb denotes that this quantity, the average scalar acceleration, is completely defined by its magnitude, and it is not necessary to specify a direction and a direction for it. This is possible since most exercises on this subject involve one-dimensional movements. The word average, in turn, it indicates that the calculated acceleration represents an average and is not necessarily equal to the acceleration at each instant of a movement.

To calculate the average scalar acceleration of a mobile, we use the following equation:

Average Acceleration Formula

The – average acceleration (m/s²)
ov – speed variation (m/s)
t – time interval(s)

In the equation above, Δv refers to the change in velocity modulus. We can calculate this speed variation using the following equality:

Δv = vF – v0. The time interval Δt is calculated in a similar way: Δt = tF – t0. Therefore, it is possible to rewrite the average acceleration formula shown above more completely:

Detailed Average Acceleration Formula

v – final speed
v0 – final speed
t – final moment
t0 – initial moment

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Hourly function of speed

When a rover accelerates steadily, that is, when its speed changes equally for equal time intervals, we can determine your final velocity (v) after a constant acceleration time interval (a) using your hourly velocity function, check out:

Hourly function of speed

Lookalso:Vector and scalar quantities

Accelerated Motion Graphics

The equation above shows that the final velocity of a rover is given by its initial velocity plus the product of its acceleration over time. Note that the function shown in the formula above is a 1st-degree function, similar to a straight line equation. Therefore, the graphics of position and velocity as a function of time, for accelerated (when speed increases) and delayed (when speed decreases) movements are as follows:

Accelerated Motion Graphic
In accelerated motion, the graph s(t) is a parabola with the concavity facing upwards, while v(t) is an ascending straight line.

Delayed Motion Graph
In delayed movement, the graph s(t) is a parabola with the concavity facing down, while v(t) is a descending line.

Lookalso: Learn about evenly varied motion graphics


When the acceleration of a rover is constant, its velocity increases equally, for equal time intervals. For example, an acceleration of 2 m/s² indicates that the speed of a rover increases by 2 m/s every second. The table below shows two mobiles, 1 and 2, which move, respectively, with a constant acceleration and a variable acceleration:


Mobile 1 speed (m/s)

Mobile 2 speed (m/s)













Note that the speed of mobile 1 increases steadily at 2 m/s every second. Therefore, its average acceleration is 2 m/s², so we say its motion is evenlymiscellaneous. In rover 2, however, the speed does not change constantly. Between two equal time intervals, its speed changes differently, so we say its movement is miscellaneous.

Although its movement is varied, its average acceleration is equal to the average acceleration of mobile 1. Note the calculation:

Calculation of average acceleration
Although their average accelerations are the same, bodies 1 and 2 move differently

It is important to note that the average acceleration only takes into account the final and initial modules of velocity, over a certain period of time. Regardless of how the velocity varied, the average acceleration will only be determined by the difference between the velocity values ​​at the start and end of the movement.

Displacement calculation with constant acceleration

If we want to calculate the displacement of a mobile that has its velocity changed with a constant acceleration, we can use the following formulas:

Time function of displacement

Note that the formula given above can be used when we know how long a rover has been accelerating. If we do not have information about the time interval in which a movement occurred, we should use the Torricelli equation:

Torricelli Equation

instantaneous scalar acceleration

Unlike average acceleration, instantaneous acceleration determines the variation in velocity at each instant of a movement. Therefore, the chosen time interval must be as short as possible. The formula below provides the definition of instantaneous scalar acceleration:

instant acceleration

Therefore, the main difference between average and instantaneous accelerations is the time span: instantaneous acceleration is calculated for small time spans, which tend to zero.

Lookalso: Tips for Solving Kinematics Exercises

Medium scalar acceleration exercises

1) A vehicle has its speed changed over time as shown in the table below:

Speed ​​(m/s)








a) Calculate the module of the average acceleration of this vehicle between times t = 0 s and t = 3.0 s.

b) Calculate the space traveled by the vehicle between times t = 0 s and t = 3.0 s.

c) Determine the hourly function of the speed of this vehicle.


a) To calculate the average acceleration of the vehicle, we will use the average acceleration formula. Watch:

Calculation of acceleration - exercise 1

b) Let's calculate the space traveled by the vehicle through its hourly position function:

Displacement calculation

c) The hourly function of the movement of this vehicle can be determined, if we know its initial velocity and its acceleration. Watch:

Hourly function of speed - exercise 1

2) A driver drives his vehicle at 30 m/s when he sees a sign indicating that the maximum speed on the road is 20 m/s. When stepping on the brake, the driver reduces the speed to the indicated value, moving about 50 m between the beginning and the end of the braking. Determine the modulus of the deceleration that the vehicle's brakes have printed on it.


We can calculate the deceleration produced by the vehicle's brakes using the Torricelli equation, since we were not informed in which time interval the vehicle brakes:

Calculation of acceleration - exercise 2

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