Educational Inclusion and Hearing Impairment

The theme of social inclusion has been generating controversy and misunderstanding among people in the most different segments social, in their own home life, in leisure centers, in companies and, where it shouldn't, in the locus of differences - the school.
Although enacted in the Federal Government's educational policies for special education, LDB 9.394/96 art. 60, which establishes "as a preferential alternative, the expansion of service to students with special needs in the public network itself education”, there is still segregation, for fear of the unknown, many parents end up not taking their children to regular school, at the same time, many schools end up ignoring the inclusion of this student, perhaps due to lack of preparation or funds to meet the requirements imposed on this reality.
The task of projecting the student for life in society and, consequently, for work belongs to the school, therefore, it is through the school that each and every person, child or adult, must go to school and know the different ways of learning that the school can get it. But making the Educational Inclusion of people with deafness happen in basic education is a slow and very complex task. It is important to be careful and attentive, because the treatment of a person with special needs must be the same as that of any other, however, with different peculiarities, it is necessary that she feels good and realizes that the possibilities of teaching are multiple for everyone, listeners or do not. In this way, it is the students with hearing impairment who raised the demands of inclusive education.

The subjects highlighted as important in this Educational Project proposal the need for greater integration between deaf and hearing people from a bilingual and multicultural approach that provides opportunities for meaningful learning, in a participatory and integrated manner.
Lara (2006, p. 144)

Even without qualified preparation, many schools are already receiving students with hearing impairment, and in addition to learning the specifics of mother tongue, reading (even without pronouncing the words) and writing, they still learn the Brazilian Sign Language - LIBRAS, which will allow both for deaf students and for hearing colleagues a better interaction in communication and speech, sometimes with verbal expression sometimes with the hands.
Many education professionals must ask themselves, “how to open the doors of schools to students with hearing impairments, if we are not prepared and if LIBRAS interpreters are still lacking? As established in the federal decree of 2008, the value of the Fund for the Maintenance and Development of Basic Education and the Valorization of the Education professionals for students with disabilities included in the regular network, if they are assisted by the shift and studying regularly with an interpreter, as mandated by law. However, and while this does not happen in full, it is up to the teachers to not allow these students give up on their dreams, given that for them, school is the only way to gain autonomy and their space in the society.
It is understood, for these reasons, that views on issues of language, identity and deaf culture continue to lack attention, care and repairs, as stated by Lara (2006, p.146), “the (re)construction of a transforming formal educational space is prioritized that directs the education of the deaf to the discourses and educational practices of the systems as a whole, in a consensual, integrated and criticism”.

By Giuliano Freitas
Graduated in Pedagogy

Source: Brazil School -

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