Atmospheric pollutants and their effects on the body

A current, popular and, at the same time, worrying subject is called “Atmospheric Pollution”. If you think you are an informed person, but you only know the CO2 as the villain of the story, it's time to catch up on the main air pollutants and their effects on the body.
the CO2 (carbon dioxide) was best known among pollutants for being the one that causes more damage to our health and even so its emission increases more every day. It comes from the incomplete burning of fuels used in automotive vehicles, when it reaches the atmosphere, it takes on the form of CO (carbon monoxide), this form is responsible for respiratory problems and can affect our cardiovascular system.
CO is also released in industrial processes and in cigarette smoke. Studies show that in these cases, the cumulative effect is associated with bleeding, nausea, diarrhea, pneumonia, memory loss and other ailments.
Another dangerous pollutant is Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2), this gas is released into the environment by thermoelectric power stations, and is related to respiratory problems. In these plants fossil fuels are burned to generate energy, such as oil, natural gas or coal, all of which are potential pollutants.

Sulfur dioxide (SO2) is also emitted by processing in thermoelectric plants, and is involved in cardiovascular problems.
By Líria Alves
Graduated in Chemistry

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SOUZA, Líria Alves de. "Atmospheric pollutants and their effects on the body"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.


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