Globalization process and its ambiguities. globalization

The 20th century was the scene of countless historical transformations that definitively marked the organization of the world and, among them, is the advent of globalization. As a process, the globalization it expanded with the development of capitalism, a fundamental condition for its dimension reached at the end of the Cold War between the 1980s and 1990s.

At the end of World War II, the globe was divided into two blocks, one capitalist – represented by the United States of America; and another socialist – headed by the Soviet Union. This period known as the Cold War was marked by a strong dispute for ideological dominance between these blocks, as well as by the so-called space and technological race. In this dispute, the capitalist model was victorious, after the economic and political reforms promoted by the Union Soviet when it was already dying, unable to maintain the socialist project and its model of state of social welfare. At the end of the 1980s, the Berlin Wall, a symbol of the division of the world, fell, which would mean the victory of capitalist ideology. Since then, there has been the configuration of a new world order, initiated by the reorganization of international relations with regard to the international division of production, that is, of labor.

Fundamentally, globalization had as its engine the search for the expansion of markets, business, that is, expansion of international relations in the name of the economic objectives of nations. In this sense, it is necessary to think about the role of the expansion of neoliberalism as an economic model adopted by the powers throughout the world, defended in the 1980s by leaders such as Margaret Thatcher (England), a fact that led to a redefinition of the role of the State. Increasingly, in the name of economic freedom, States, as institutions that would hold power in society on the most diverse spheres (such as the economic one), their presence in decision-making diminishes, becoming “minimal”. Just as a regulator, like other economic agents, the State itself would also submit to the laws of the market, concerned with issues such as the financial market, exchange balance, international competitiveness, among other aspects of the universe of capital.

So-called economic blocs emerged, such as the European Union and Mercosur, to name just two, which would have as purpose of creating conditions for better marketing among its members, given the interdependence of the savings. It is worth remembering that in this context (and since the end of World War II), institutions such as the UN, the WTO, the IMF, among others, have played fundamental roles in international relations in the scope of the most diverse matters of interest. worldwide.

Also with regard to this great internationalization of the economy (expansion of trade and foreign investment in countries dependent on the richest), it is It is important to point out that this entire process was accelerated by the technological development of the means of production (making them more efficient) and the means of Communication. Consequently, international economic transactions and the financial market would also develop (today, mainly by the virtualization of the economy over the global network), allowing multinational corporations to become proliferated around the world.

In addition to the economic aspect itself, globalization has made it possible for nations to come closer together with regard to the discussion in International conferences, through bodies such as the UN, on matters of general interest, such as hunger, poverty, the environment, the work, etc. A good example would be how the issue of the possibility of the formation of a Palestinian State in 2011 is being addressed, or the environmental issues.

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From a cultural point of view, there is a process of overlapping and approximation of cultures, customs, but with the predominance of the western pattern, a process that can be called the westernization of the world. The standard of living, values, culture (music, cinema, fashion) - not to mention the English language, which is seen as universal - in short, directly or indirectly represent the hegemonic power of the United States throughout the world. While there is a tendency to homogenize cultural values, there is an increase in the process of intolerance and xenophobia in countries like the USA and France. The issue of the September 11, 2001 attacks may be an example of the intolerance of some groups in the East towards the West, as well as on the part of the West in relation to the East, given the way in which the United States undertook a revenge in the name of “world security” against the terrorism. Despite the economic crisis they face, the United States currently still has hegemonic power (albeit a little shaken) in the world. In this way, the ideas of sovereignty and nation-state are reduced in the face of globalization, as this will depend on the role that a given country plays a role in the game of international politics, and may suffer greater or lesser influence, be it economic or cultural. The retraction and reduction of the role of the State with the valorization of neoliberal policies and the permissiveness or dependence on to the capital of international investors are factors that have contributed to the increase in poverty and inequality in more poor.

Therefore, the ambiguity of globalization comes to light when evaluating its most negative effects on the world population, especially from an economic point of view. With the globalization of the economy, companies, in the name of competition, reduce costs, reducing several jobs, generating structural unemployment. In addition, unemployment can get worse when there is a growth in investment in the financial market (which makes it possible a greater and faster return to large investors) instead of investing in production, which does generate jobs. As is currently debated, among the causes of crises in the world economy in recent years (especially in 2008) would be the so-called operations speculative financial institutions, which had as a direct consequence a reformulation of the role of the State among the richest countries, now more interventionist in the than before. Seeking to alleviate the harmful effects of the crises, the measures adopted by governments in an attempt to control the public deficit and inflation (interest high), contribute to the concentration of income and unemployment, a fact that has led the populations of many countries to take to the streets to demonstrate their discontent.

Thus, regarding globalization, it can be said that it is a two-way process: if there is progress on the one hand (as with regard to relations social, cultural exchange and the possibility of greater commercial exchange), there are setbacks for the other (such as the increase in poverty and of social inequality, of religious and cultural intolerance, the loss of power of States to the detriment of large corporations multinationals). Let's hope for what the 21st century has in store, not just for us, but also for future generations.

Paulo Silvino Ribeiro
Brazil School Collaborator
Bachelor in Social Sciences from UNICAMP - State University of Campinas
Master in Sociology from UNESP - São Paulo State University "Júlio de Mesquita Filho"
Doctoral Student in Sociology at UNICAMP - State University of Campinas

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