Image and Word: Five Poetry of Concretism

question 1

About Concretism, the following alternatives are correct:

I. Concrete poetry, or Concretism, established itself, from 1956, as the most lively and active expression of our aesthetic vanguard. In the context of Brazilian poetry, Concretism asserted itself as the antithesis to the intimate and aestheticizing trend of the 1940s and re-proposed themes, forms and, not infrequently, attitudes peculiar to the Modernism of 22 in its most polemic phase and more adherent to the avant-gardes European countries. (Alfredo Bosi)

II. Concrete poets understood to take to their ultimate consequences certain structural processes that marked Futurism (Italian and Russian), Dadaism and, in part, Surrealism. These are processes that aim to explore the material layers of the signifier. Concrete poetry openly wants to be anti-expressionist. In more general terms: Concretism takes seriously, and in a radical way, the definition of art as techné, that is, as a productive activity. (Alfredo Bosi)

III. Concrete poetry innovated in several fields, including the semantic field (ideograms, polysemy, puns, etc.), the syntactic field (juxtaposition, redistribution of elements, rupture with the syntax of the proposition, etc.), the field of the lexicon (concrete nouns, neologisms, technicalities, foreign words, acronyms etc.), the field morphological (disintegration of the phrase into its morphemes, separation of prefixes, radicals, suffixes etc.), the phonetic field (alliterations, assonances, rhymes internal etc.) and the topographic field (abolition of the verse, non-linearity, constructive use of white spaces, absence of punctuation marks, graphic syntax etc.).

IV. Concretism takes seriously, and radically, the definition of art as techne, that is, as a productive activity. The poem is identified as an object of language, and the poets of Brazilian Concretism recognize and promote a technicist tradition as their immediate historical and aesthetic reference point.

a) I and IV are correct.

b) II and III are correct.

c) I, III and IV are correct.

d) All are correct.

question 2


Consider the following statements about Concretism.

I. It sought in visuality one of the supports to achieve radical breaks with the discursive order of the Portuguese language.

II. Its main members were Haroldo de Campos, Augusto de Campos and Décio Pignatari.

III. It was a project for the formal and aesthetic renovation of Brazilian poetry, whose importance is restricted to the 1950s.

Which ones are correct?

a) Only I.

b) Only II.

c) Only III.

d) Only I and II.

e) I, II and III.

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