THE acceleration it is the quantity that defines the variations suffered by velocity as a function of time. THE tangential accelerationis related to the change of the module of the velocity. already the centripetal acceleration is responsible for changing the direction and direction of the velocity vector. This acceleration exists only when a rover follows a curvilinear trajectory.
In the image below, we have the representation of the moon movement around the earth. The velocity vector of an object that executes circular motion it is always tangential to the trajectory. In this first image, the velocity vector, considering the Moon movement as circular and uniform, has vertical direction and upward direction.
In this other image, you can see that the direction and direction of the velocity vector have changed, now we have a vector horizontally to the left.
These changes are caused by so-called centripetal acceleration. This acceleration is defined by the ratio of the square of the rover's velocity to the radius of the trajectory.
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In the figures above, the centripetal acceleration vector is represented by the blue arrow and will always be directed to the center of the circular path executed by the object. Centripetal acceleration can be associated with the force also called centripetal, which points to the center of the trajectory and is responsible for keeping objects attached to the trajectory. In the case of the Moon, the gravitational force functions as a centripetal force, and for a car moving around a curve, this force manifests itself as the frictional force.
The definition of centripetal force comes from Newton's second law:
Example: Determine the centripetal force acting on a 10 kg object, which performs a circular path of radius 5 m with a constant velocity of 25 m/s.
By Joab Silas
Graduated in Physics
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JUNIOR, Joab Silas da Silva. "What is centripetal acceleration?"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.