Meaning of Popular Culture (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Popular culture is an expression that characterizes a set of cultural elements specific to the society of a nation or region.

Often classified as traditional culture or mass culture, popular culture is a set of manifestations created by a group of people who have an active participation in them. Popular culture is easy to generalize and expresses an attitude adopted by several generations in relation to a particular problem in society. The vast majority of popular culture is transmitted orally, from the older elements of society to the younger.

Popular culture emerged thanks to the continuous interaction between people from different regions and the need for human beings to fit in with their surrounding environment. Sociology and ethnology, which study popular culture, do not aim to make value judgments, but to identify permanent and coherent manifestations within a nation or community.

Some scholars indicate that each person has within him the notion of what is popular, which is defined by the aspect of tradition and community.

Popular culture is influenced by the beliefs of the people in question and is formed thanks to contact between individuals from certain regions. It may involve areas such as music, literature, gastronomy, etc.

See the meaning of culture.

Brazilian popular culture

Brazilian popular culture is characterized by different cultural categories, caused by regionalism. In Brazilian popular culture it is possible to see variations in music, dance, and gastronomy. Country music, capoeira, folklore, cordel literature, samba are important elements of Brazilian popular culture. In terms of gastronomy, Bahian cuisine is one of the most appreciated in Brazil.

popular culture and mass culture

According to some authors, it is only possible to differentiate between popular culture and mass culture when the passage of time separates what is fashion and circumstance, becoming part of the essence of a people. In this case, the word "mass" does not refer to a social class, but to a large number of people within a society.

Although the two expressions are often used as synonyms, some people differentiate, stating that the mass culture reveals a cultural product or strand that is spread to the great masses, often throughout the world. Mass culture is often advertised in mass media, and in the vast majority of cases it is encouraged by industries with the aim of making a profit. Examples of this are Coca Cola, MacDonald's, Pizza Hut, etc.

On the other hand, popular culture refers to different manifestations that are popular and originated in different regions. It is more related to tradition and is handed down from generation to generation.

See also the meaning of mass culture.

Difference between popular culture and high culture

High culture, also known as elite culture or superior culture, is one that is obtained through studies, theoretical investigation and empirical data.

Unlike popular culture, high culture is almost exclusive to people with high financial capacity. Opera and works of art are some examples of high culture manifestations.

See more about difference between popular culture and high culture.

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