Speech therapy: science that studies human communication

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Speech therapy is an area of ​​science that aims to study and research prevention techniques and methods and speech therapy, which are developed in oral and written communication, voice, hearing and psychomotricity.

The term Logopedia was used for a certain period, when the course was not recognized by the faculties and there was no professional regulation. It was a term defended by a group of professionals who worked in the field of human communication pathologies. After many mobilizations by professionals, the name chosen was Speech Therapy.

The Speech Therapy course explores subjects in the areas of health, education, psychology, linguistics, acoustic physics and pedagogy, in addition to be focused on the specific study of human communication pathologies, as it is considered the area of ​​greatest study in the speech therapist.

It is noteworthy that the speech therapist is a professional with higher education and full graduation. Many people think that it refers to a specialized teacher, which is not true, as it is a therapist, since they are not approached only the psychopedagogical aspects but a series of dynamics and strategies to achieve goals that are experienced in the practice of therapy speech therapy.

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It is the responsibility of the speech therapist to make a diagnosis, however, it is extremely important to have the common sense to refer the patient, when necessary, to the different medical and paramedical areas, so that the various possibilities that can interfere with the problem presented by the patient are completed.
By Elen Cristine Caiado
Graduated in Speech Therapy


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