The particulars of the direct object

When describing the term “particularity”, we associate it with the numerous rules concerning standard language. And we, as native speakers/listeners, must effectively incorporate them into our linguistic competence.
Thus, when we refer to the direct object, we know that it is characterized by complementing the sense of a direct transitive verb. As the example in evidence demonstrates:
The company produced new articles.
The direct object is represented by the term in evidence - "new articles".
This linguistic fact brings with it a feature of total relevance – being expressed without the obligatory presence of the preposition, an occurrence that distinguishes it from the indirect object.
However, it has some particularities in which, in some specific cases, it appears preceded by prepositions. In this case, it is called “prepositioned direct object”.
Here are some cases where it occurs:
# To avoid ambiguity, giving greater clarity to the statement:
thanked to the director employees.
# When the direct object is represented by tonic oblique pronouns (me, ti, si, he, they, we, you):

the guest greeted to me, not her.
# When the direct object is represented by the pronoun who, with an express antecedent:
that is the student to whom I referenced.
#When the direct object indicates partitivity (part of a whole):
my friends drank from the my wine.
# When the direct object is represented by proper noun or common noun designating person:
I admire so much to you for his strong personality.
# When the direct object is represented by an indefinite pronoun designating person:
she couldn't convince To nobody with their flawed arguments.

# When you want to emphasize the direct object or give more elegance to the utterance:
we comply with what was assigned to us.

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By Vânia Duarte
Graduated in Letters
Brazil School Team

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DUARTE, Vânia Maria do Nascimento. "The particulars of the direct object"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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