Ecotourism. Ecotourism: sustainable tourism

Ecotourism, also called environmental tourism, sustainable tourism, green tourism, is a activity carried out in a responsible manner, which complies with the elementary principles of development sustainable. It is a branch of tourism aimed at appreciating elements of nature, carried out in a conscious and ecologically correct way.

Its development provides a low environmental impact, as it is impossible not to have any change in the environment during the transit of people and vehicles in a given location, however, its practice is much less aggressive to the environment, in addition to having part of the financial resources earmarked for preservation environmental.

The public seeking this type of tourism aims to be in contact with nature, to get out of the routine of work stress, satisfying needs for rest, fun, recreation, adventure, among others pleasures. Among the activities developed are: ecological trails, zip-line, canopy tours, horseback riding, buoy-cross, cycling, fauna and flora observation, trekking, hang-gliding, ballooning, rafting, etc.

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One of the great positive aspects of the activities developed in ecotourism is the relationship with environmental education, as the direct contact with the environment and the communities visited can promote respect and environmental awareness and cultural. Field lectures, ecological events, visits monitored by qualified guides, among others, also help in this process.

Ecotourism has gained many followers and is currently the fastest growing tourism segment in the world, representing 8% of the global market. In Brazil, ecotourism has grown by 30% a year. The great variety of natural beauty in the country contributes to this increase above the world average.

By Wagner de Cerqueira and Francisco
Graduated in Geography
Brazil School Team

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FRANCISCO, Wagner de Cerqueira e. "Ecotourism"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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