Hydraulic machines are instruments capable of multiplying forces that are present in our daily lives. They are in shopping malls, automotive vehicles and gas stations, for example. Despite the different applications, all hydraulic machines have in common the possibility of being explained from Pascal's principle.
O Pascal's principle was enunciated by the famous physicist and mathematician Blaise Pascal, who, through experiments with liquids, found that the increase in pressure in one point of the liquid is equal to the increase caused in another Score. Pascal stated this fact as follows: "the increase of pressure, in a point of liquid in equilibrium, is transmitted integrally to all points of this liquid”. This is a very important principle as it explains how hydraulic machines work.
The hydraulic elevators found at gas stations work as follows: formed by two containers containing oil, with different cross-section area, cylindrical shape and communicating between themselves. A force of intensity F is applied to the piston with the smallest area, we will cause an increase in pressure in the liquid, so that this increase will be distributed throughout all points of the fluid until it reaches the piston of larger area. Upon reaching this one, a force from below will appear, causing the object on the other side to be suspended. This working principle applies to hydraulic brakes in automobiles and hydraulic clamping, for example.
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By Marco Aurélio da Silva
Would you like to reference this text in a school or academic work? Look:
SANTOS, Marco Aurélio da Silva. "Hydraulic Machines: The Application of Pascal's Principle"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/fisica/maquinas-hidraulicas-aplicacao-principio-pascal.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.

Do you know Pascal's principle? According to this law, any pressure variation exerted on a fluid in equilibrium must be communicated equally by all parts of that fluid. Thanks to this property, it is possible to build hydraulic pistons, present in the most diverse types of mechanisms.