O Winter is one of the four seasons and represents the period in which the temperatures drop considerably in regions of the planet that have these well-defined seasons. During the winter period, many people who live in tropical countries, and therefore do not experience the harsh winter, schedule trips to places where snowfall is common.
See too: Difference between weather and climate
what does winter mean
The word winter comes from the Latin, hibernum, which means neutral, wintry, wintry, cold weather. Winter is also associated with the characteristic of some animals to enter a period of hibernation during low temperatures.
winter features
Winter is the season of the year that follows the autumn and precedes the spring. THE mainfeature this station is the drop in temperatures. However, it is worth noting that the seasons of the year, consequently winter, differ according to their locations on the planet. Temperate regions have well-defined seasons. already the tropical regions they are characterized by having basically two seasons: the dry and the rainy.
Another important piece of information is that: while in one hemisphere winter is in effect, the other is experiencing summer. Therefore, winter does not occur simultaneously in the hemispheres.
Due to this differentiation in terms of geographic location, some regions have higher rainfall rates, as well as greater moisture, due to the formation of fog. In other regions, this season is characterized by low humidity and low rates rainfall, explained not only by the location but also by the incidence of sunlight, which is more pronounced in the regions of tropics.
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And it is thanks to the intensity of the sun's rays, explained by the position of the Earth in relation to the Sun, that the hemisphere found in the winter period presents longer nights and shorter days. This means that, at this time of year, this hemisphere receives less sunlight.
By receiving less heat stroke during winter, humans seek to protect themselves from low temperatures. However, did you know that animals also look for alternatives to survive the cold? Some species exhibit specific adaptive behaviors, such as increasing body fat as the season approaches.
Another widely used technique is the hibernation, which consists of entering a lethargic period, that is, the animals enter the dormancy phase in order to reduce your metabolic activity, making it slower, as well as decreasing your heart rate cardiac.
THE migration it also consists of a technique to escape from low temperatures. Many species move from cold regions to regions with warmer temperatures, returning to their habitat as soon as winter ends.
→ Winter in the Northern Hemisphere

Winter in the Northern Hemisphere is called northern winter. In this part of the planet, this season of the year presents well defined features, as well as the other stations. In several countries, such as Canada, the Nordic countries, Russia and the United States, winter is quite harsh with regard to temperature drop. Many regions have temperatures below 0 ºC and intense periods of snowfall. Usually these countries are sought after as tourist destinations for those who want to venture into sports, such as skiing or snowboard, or simply knowing the snow.
During this period air masses, such as the air masses polar Continentals, which originate in high latitudes, act in the Northern Hemisphere, causing a drop in temperature and modifying the humidity of the air. In many countries in this hemisphere, it is common that in winter there is an increase in rainfall, as opposed to summer, when, due to extreme drought, there are several occurrences of fires.
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→ Winter in the Southern Hemisphere

Winter in the Southern Hemisphere is called southern winter. Due to the geographic location, close to the Equator and between the tropics, many countries in the Southern Hemisphere have wintersany lessstrict than countries located at high latitudes. That's why, when talking about winter, many people associate the season with the countries of the Northern Hemisphere.
However, as occurs in the northern part of the planet, winter in the southern part also has a drop in temperatures, as well as snow in some countries, such as Chile and Argentina, which are a little more distant gives equator line and, therefore, receiving less solar incidence.
In relation to Brazil, we have a very peculiar winter. With the exception of the South region of the country, which has well-defined seasons of the year and, therefore, has a winter of very low temperatures, which may present in some places even snow occurs, the other Brazilian regions have two well-defined seasons: dry winter and summer rainy.
Unlike what happens in various parts of the planet, winter in the country is characterized by low air humidity and little or no rainfall. Although some days of the season show a drop in temperatures in several regions, in most of the period of the season these temperatures remain high, causing discomfort in the population and even favoring the increase in diseases respiratory. This increase is explained by the formation of mist (solid particles suspended in the air), such as dust and smoke, due to the presence of dry air, calm wind and humidity below 40%.
In the Midwest and Southeast regions of the country, according to the Center for Weather Forecasting and Climate Studies, the months of June, July, August and early September are marked by low rainfall. The low-intensity cold front action can stimulate some rain events in the Southeast of Brazil and also in the South of the country. The passage of cold air masses is responsible for the drop in temperatures in the country.
Some regions, such as the Southeast and the South, feel this drop more severely. Already in the regions North and Northeast, the drop in temperature is not very sudden, remaining between 18 ºC and 36 ºC during the winter. These are also the regions with the lowest rainfall in this period.
knowmore: Regions of Brazil: what are they, maps, characteristics
Winter Solstice

The occurrence of the seasons of the year has an explanation, and this is related to the incidence of solar rays associated with the axis of inclination of the Earth. The beginning of the seasons is marked by two astronomical phenomena: the solstice and the equinox.
O solstice marks exactly the beginning of the summer and winter. The equinox marks the beginning of spring and summer. When the sun's rays fall perpendicularly to the Equator Line, it means that the two hemispheres are receiving the same amount of sunlight, therefore having days and nights with the same duration. Thus, while one hemisphere experiences the beginning of spring, the other experiences the beginning of summer.
And winter? Well, winter starts with the winter solstice. O solstice represents the position or inclination of the Sun at the maximum limit, north or south. When the maximum position is to the north, it means that the Northern Hemisphere will be receiving greater solar incidence, therefore, in this hemisphere summer will be in effect.
From this we can conclude that if the Northern Hemisphere is more illuminated, the Southern Hemisphere will be receiving less sunstroke and, therefore, experiencing winter. If you are more curious about the subject, read our text: solstice and equinox
winter dates
North hemisphere |
South hemisphere |
Winter Solstice: starts in December, and the Sun falls perpendicularly on the Tropic of Capricorn. - December 20th and 21st |
Winter Solstice: it starts in the month of June, and the Sun falls perpendicularly over the Tropic of Cancer. - June 20th and 21st |
by Rafaela Sousa
Geography teacher