How long does a dream last?

Previously it was believed that dreams happened in fractions of seconds, today it is known that they actually last a real time in our mind, that is, they occur at the same speed as we dream. Each dream can last anywhere from a few seconds to an hour.

Dreams occur during a period called REM (rapid eye movements), called "rapid eye movements". A normal dream lasts about 10 to 40 minutes on average. The plot of a dream is linked with our fears, worries, desires, etc.

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Some people think they don't dream, but that's not right. In fact, we all dream, but we only remember a dream when we wake up in the middle of it.

By James Dantas
Team Brazil

Curiosities - Brazil School

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SCHOOL, Team Brazil. "How long does a dream last?"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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