Industrial concentration and deconcentration in Brazil

The process of industrialization of Brazil it occurred very late, but it manifested itself in a relatively short period of time, that is, it started from the 1930s onwards and was consolidated from the 1970s onwards. In terms of spatial distribution, there was a large concentration of industries in the country, as a result, mainly, from the use of infrastructures previously existing in the coffee economy in the region. Southeast of the country.

In this sense, refer to the processes of industrial concentration and deconcentration in Brazil it is to refer to the migratory movement carried out by factories and companies throughout the Brazilian territory over recent times. In summary, it can be said that the intense industrial concentration in the Southeast region of the country is slowly unwinding, although the picture is far from being reversed.

The process of Brazil's industrial concentration occurred with the development of the import substitution policy, assumed more prominently during the Vargas government, after the events related to the 1929 Crisis and the consequent decline of the economy coffee tree. Thus, thanks to the existing transport and communication structures and also to the greater political and economic power of the elites of the São Paulo-Rio axis January, most industries were built in this region, which weakened the predominant textile and food production in the region. North East.

Later, during the JK government, there was again an impulse to industrialization in Brazil and again from the perspective of the previously advocated import substitution policy. With this, from the leadership of the automobile industries, the industrialization process in Brazil manifested itself more effectively and reproduced the previously existing concentration.

To reverse this scenario, the Brazilian government began to join forces to promote greater democratization, which took effect from 1968 with the development of the Manaus Free Trade Zone. Following this pace, the hydroelectric plants of Tucuruí, Sobradinho and others in the northern region of the country were created. country in order to offer structural conditions for the installation of more companies within the territory national.

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But we can say that the industrial deconcentration of Brazil it started to happen, in fact, from the 1990s, when the greater presence of infrastructure (communication and means of transport) in previously marginalized areas started to present a greater It is made.

Another very important weight for this was the dissemination of “fiscal war”, in which states and municipalities began to compete for the attraction of companies through the provision of tax incentives, translated into exemption from taxes and other conditions, such as supply of land in strategic positions and formations of industrial centers or technopoles. In addition, large industries migrated in search of cheaper labor and union disorganized in order to reduce costs and increase profits.

Currently, there is a migration, even if gradual, of large companies towards the interior areas of the states and, mainly, to the so-called Medium cities. With the evolution of techniques and means of transport and communication, the current trend is the formation of specialized regions in specific productive sectors, such as pharmacochemical, automobile, food, basic industrial, among many others. There is, with this, a series of locational factors which must be attended to by regional and municipal governments to attract the greatest number of companies, generate jobs and boost the economy.

* Image credits: AFNR / Shutterstock

By Me. Rodolfo Alves Pena

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PENA, Rodolfo F. Alves. "Industrial concentration and deconcentration in Brazil"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.

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