Industrial activity in the Middle East

The Middle East's economy is extremely linked to oil production, as this subcontinent is home to the largest ore deposit in the world.
On the other hand, the industrial sector does not have the same prominence, except for Israel. It is only now that most countries in the Middle East are beginning an effective process of industrialization. In general, industrial production in the region revolves around the textile segment (manufacture of rugs, such as the Persian rugs), in addition to the food industries.
Most industrial parks within the Middle East are located in major cities such as Ankara (capital of Turkey), Damascus (Syria), Baghdad (Iraq) and Tehran (Iran).
All resources generated by oil production have been used in the technological development of refineries and petrochemical industries in countries like Iran, Iraq and Saudi Arabia.
In Israel, despite the natural adversities of a climatic nature, the country has a relative industrial development, an activity responsible for 30% of the GDP (Gross Domestic Product). The industrial park of that country is located, above all, in the cities of Tel Aviv and Haifa, which hold about 25% of the national PEA (Economically Active Population). There are also traditional industries (food and textiles), in addition to industries that work in the cutting of diamonds, in the production of military equipment and electronics.

Do not stop now... There's more after the advertising ;)

By Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography
Brazil School Team

See too!

Middle East - A region marked by conflicts.

Middle East and water scarcity - The contrast between the abundance of oil and the lack of water.

Natural Aspects of the Middle East - The natural setting of a place that practically doesn't rain.

Religion in the Middle East - This part of Asia is the birthplace of the world's three largest monotheistic religions.

Asiacontinents - geography - Brazil School

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FREITAS, Eduardo de. "Industrial Activity in the Middle East"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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