Earthquakes or earthquakes occupy a prominent place among the greatest phenomena, with the power to cause a series of damages to man and nature itself; thus, this catastrophe has already claimed billions of people around the world in the course of history.
Faced with this somewhat unpredictable problem, man, over the decades, has carried out studies and research with the aim of knowing and understanding this natural phenomenon, the earthquakes.
Studies have evolved as science and technology have advanced, thus, in contemporaneity there are specific centers responsible for observing the whole of lithospheric plates and other elements that cause such a phenomenon, generating preliminary information, with the aim of disclosing them in possible locations conducive to the occurrence of earthquakes.
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Considering that some places have a greater possibility of earthquakes, man through his intellect created structures in civil construction (buildings, houses) adapted to the incidence of earthquakes seismic.
Due to the monitoring carried out in different parts of the world, a gradual decrease in the number of victims was achieved, this indicates that tragedies that occurred in the past can be avoided, as society is more prepared for this event. Natural.
The Tsunami that occurred in Asia killed a high number of people, the death toll was high only because it did not there was a forecast, as the Indian Ocean at the time of the event did not have equipment that could identify tremors submarines.
By Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography
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FREITAS, Eduardo de. "Earthquakes and man"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.