You sand parksDefinitely are a joy for children. However, this joy can become a problem when this sand is contaminated. The big problem is that, most of the time, these sand tanks are not treated. properly and end up becoming, for example, places where several animals eliminate their feces. Below you will see the diseases that can be contracted in playgrounds.
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Diseases that can be contracted on playgrounds
→ geography beast
O geography animal or larva migrans it is one of the main parasites acquired in places with large amounts of sand, such as playgrounds and beaches. The disease is caused by larvae of some species of nematodes like Ancylostoma, that penetrate the skin when it comes into contact with soil contaminated by feces of dogs and cats. In dogs and cats, the parasites live in the intestine, where they release eggs, which fall into the environment, contaminating it. In the soil, the eggs give rise to larvae, which can remain viable for several weeks.
The disease initially presents as a small insect bite. Subsequently, the larva, that is confined in epidermis and dermis superficial, moves. When moving, this larva causes injuries and, because of the pattern of curves left in the skin, it became known as a geo-bicho. Another point that deserves to be highlighted is the itch at the site, which is intense and occurs as a consequence of the displacement of the larvae in the skin. Usually the main areas affected are the feet, legs and buttocks.
The best treatment will be recommended by doctor, but it is usually based on the use of ointments and medicines for oral use. It is worth noting that it is possible for spontaneous healing to occur of the geographical animal, but the time for improvement is uncertain and it is not recommended to wait make it happen.
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→ Mycoses
are called mycoses the diseases caused by fungi. These infections, depending on the fungus causing the problem, can affect the skin, nails and even hair. Among the symptoms of mycoses, we can mention the blemishes in the body and itch.
O treatment it depends on the type of ringworm contracted. In general, the drug that is used to treat mycoses is the antifungals, which can be oral or topical (used on the skin).
Read too:What are dermatophytosis?
→ toxoplasmosis
Toxoplasmosis is a disease caused by a protozoan called "Toxoplasma gondii", which has as definitive host the felids (family of mammals that includes animals such as cat, lion, jaguar, etc.).Contaminated felids eliminate this protozoan in the feces, it can contaminate, for example, the sand in the playgrounds.
When playing in contaminated sand, the child can come into contact with the protozoan and ingest it, for example, by eating without washing their hands properly. The main form of transmission of toxoplasmosis for man is the viaoral, that is, through the ingestion of food and water contaminated with the protozoan.
THE majorityof thepeople with toxoplasmosis have no symptoms, and the disease evolves, in most cases, without sequelae in healthy people. In the pregnant women, the disease can be serious, as well as in patients who have the compromised immunity, this being the case of patients with AIDS.
In pregnant women, the disease can cause, among other problems, abortion. In people with low immunity, symptoms such as headaches, lack of coordination and seizures can occur. If you want to know more about the subject, read: toxoplasmosis.
→ Caring for the sand in playgrounds
The sand in the playgrounds can be easily contaminated, so special attention is essential when taking care of these areas. recommended cover the sand part every day after finishing activities and ensuring the protection of these areas so that dogs, cats and other animals do not come into contact with the sand. Also, it is recommended rake the ground daily for the sand to have better sun exposure.
It is noteworthy that it is not always possible to guarantee this care with the sand parks, especially when we talk about public parks. In this case, it is essential to observe if the place is cleaned frequently and if there are many animals in the region.
By Ma. Vanessa Sardinha dos Santos