Is industrialized juice good for your health?

It is increasingly difficult to maintain a healthy eating and free of preservatives and dyes. Despite being quite tasty, processed foods are harmful to health and, therefore, should be avoided.

Processed juices, for example, seem quite harmless, however, like other processed products, they are rich in substances that can cause harm. The large amount of sugars, colorings and flavorings, for example, makes these products become “dangerous” and are only ingested sporadically.
→ What are the health risks of industrialized juices?

1. THE large quantity of sugarpresent in these products is directly related to obesity, a serious health problem that can even cause death. In addition to excessive weight gain, excessive sugar consumption can also cause digestion difficulties, constipation and damage to teeth.

2. In addition to sugar, some industrialized juices have great content of sodium. Although important for health, large amounts of sodium become a risk factor for the development of hypertension and cardiovascular and kidney problems.

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3. You dyes they also pose a serious problem, as they trigger allergic reactions in some people. The yellow dye tartrazine, for example, can cause asthma, rhinitis, urticaria, headache, bronchitis and bronchospasm.

4. In the presence of flavoring, which provide or enhance the aroma and flavor of foods, can also cause allergy. There are also studies that link some flavorings with the emergence of cancer.

Therefore, it is essential that, whenever possible, natural juices, freshly made, are consumed. Natural juices, in addition to not having coloring and flavoring, have a greater amount of vitamins and minerals.

If you choose to buy an industrialized juice, prefer the whole juice instead of the so-called nectar, which is nothing more than a dilution of concentrated juice rich in sugars. Another good option is the pulped juice, which has a high nutrient content.

ATTENTION:Soy juices deserve attention because they have substances that resemble the female hormone, which can accelerate sexual maturation in children.
By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos

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SANTOS, Vanessa Sardinha dos. "Is industrialized juice good for your health?"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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