Legal drugs. Consequences of Legal Drugs

Legal drugs are substances that can be produced, sold and consumed without any problem. Despite bringing damage to the organs of the body, they are released by law and accepted by society. Any substance that contains alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, over-the-counter medications, anorectics, anabolics and others is considered a legal drug.

In a survey carried out by the World Health Organization, it was noted how large the market for permitted drugs is, as these promote a greater need for the user and a higher cost, as they are found in all neighborhoods throughout the cities.

On the consequences promoted by legal drugs, it can be reported that, when depositing any substance in the body, false needs are created in this, changing the entire physical functioning and psychic. We can mention: heart attack, respiratory diseases, emphysema, cancer, sexual impotence, memory changes, loss of self-control, gout, ruptured veins, liver, kidney and stomach damage, liver cirrhosis, ulcers, gastritis, irritability, headache, insomnia, anxiety, agitation and others.

The drugs allowed by law are the most consumed and the ones that most result in daily fatalities, since through changes made in the body, an individual loses control and ends up doing things that would not normally be made. In addition, the body tends to become lazy since legal drugs relax the body in an exaggerated way.

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