Prudent Government of Moraes (1894

The Prudente de Moraes government marked the transfer of central power from the military to civilians. However, we still have in his administration a strong presence of military personnel linked to President Floriano Peixoto, which could open up margins for them to return to the presidential post. The first year of his government would still have to put an end to the Federalist Revolution, which had already lost strength at the end of the previous term.
In addition to putting an end to this internal problem, the president had to resolve a number of diplomatic issues. Diplomatic relations with Portugal, broken in the previous government, were resumed. The renewal of these ties was of paramount importance so that the government could still regain, together with England, territorial control of Trindade Island. In addition, problems regarding the borders with Argentina were resolved through the political intermediation of Grover Ceveland, President of the United States.
The military's intention of returning gained strength after the death of Floriano Peixoto, which occurred in June 1895. During Floriano Peixoto's funeral, around 30,000 people followed the funeral procession, shouting “Viva, Floriano! Die, Prudent!”. Later, the removal of Prudente de Moraes for health reasons made the vice president Manuel Vitorino, a fan of Florianism, to assume the presidency on an interim basis.

When he returned to his post, the president occupied himself with dealing with economic matters. A representative of large coffee growers, Prudente de Moraes did not bother to meet the wishes of political groups that defended the installation of nationalist and modernizing measures. The high customs duties adopted during Rui Barbosa's ministry were sharply reduced, leaving the national economy at the mercy of foreign products.
The Canudos War was another important event that developed during the government of our first civilian president. This conflict took place against a community of poor rural people from the interior of Bahia who, dissatisfied with their misery condition of life, formed a community independent of the power of official authorities or large owners of Earth. The conflict dragged on for two years and had to rely on a large contingent of armed troops.
After the conflicts ended, the president organized a reception ceremony for those who fought in Canudos. During the ceremony, soldier Marcelino Bispo tried to carry out an attempt on the president's life. Fearing a political military coup, Prudente de Moraes declared a State of Siege and promoted intense police harassment against those considered against his government. This would be the final blow to the defenders of a regime controlled by the "keeps of order".
Defenders of a centralized republic under military control, better known as florianists, lost its political strength after successive defeats during the Canudos War and the persecution promoted by the president. With this, the oligarchic order was finally established and the military once again limited its authority and ambition to the interior of the barracks. With the arrival of Campos Sales to the presidential seat, the coffee growers glimpsed the victory of their power project.

Do not stop now... There's more after the advertising ;)

By Rainer Sousa
Graduated in History
Brazil School Team

Brazil Republic - history of Brazil - Brazil School

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SOUSA, Rainer Gonçalves. "Prudent Government of Moraes"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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