What are connectives?

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you know what they are connectives? analyzing the word"connectives", we can note that it refers to the connection. That's right: the connectives enable the connection of language elements.
In a text, in order for us to be able to express ourselves satisfactorily, the connectives they are the tools that allow us to relate ideas in a clear and organized way. We are well aware that clarity and organization are the key words for a text to reach its communicational purpose, because if we don't go clear, our readers will not understand our message and, thus, unfortunately, the objective of our textual production will not have been Reached.

Well, now we know what they are connectives and why they are precious textual elements, another important information to complete the study about them is to understand that they are responsible for what we call textual cohesion, which is fundamental for a text to be coherent.

textual cohesion: it is the connection, connection between the surface elements of a text. What does that mean?

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Cohesion it is an aspect that ensures, in a structural perspective, the relationship between the words, sentences, periods and paragraphs of a text.

textual coherence: it is the relationship and logical organization of a text. What does that mean? A coherent textual production occurs when the text's ideas are in harmony, in a logic in which one complements the other.

In order for the plan of ideas to be well organized, the structural plan (words, sentences, sentences, periods and paragraphs) must also be, right? That is why, previously, we stated that the connectives, the main elements responsible for textual cohesion, are also aspects that contribute to a text to be coherent.

Check out some connectives and its functions in a text:

Connectives: fundamental elements for textual cohesion and coherence
Connectives: fundamental elements for textual cohesion and coherence

by Mariana Pacheco
Graduated in Letters

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/o-que-e/portugues/o-que-sao-conectivos.htm


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