Meaning of Endomarketing (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Endomarketing is the set of marketing actions and strategies aimed at the company and its internal audience.

Also called internal marketing, it is the type of strategy that aims to improve the institutional image of the company among its employees and in this way reduce the number of turnover in the company, the so-called turnover.

While “traditional” marketing is concerned with attracting the attention of the external customer so that he/she buys the products or hire the company's services, endomarketing focuses on employees and everyone who is part of the business.

In endomarketing, the main target audience is employees and for this reason, this tool is always combined with the management of the companies' human resources department.

This joint action helps to integrate the relationship of employees with the company, through uniform, assertive and aligned communication, which is also integrated into the corporate culture.

Examples of endomarketing

The actions used by endomarketing are similar to those of traditional marketing, with the objective of valuing the internal public, as if they were your first customer.

In this context, actions such as the election of the employee of the month, the practice of exercises during work activities and training to improve the function can be examples of internal marketing.

see also the meaning of marketing.

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