Mycorrhizae. What are and how mycorrhizae are classified.

Some species of fungi can establish mutualistic associations with other organisms, and mycorrhizae are one of those associations. When a fungus, most often basidiomycetes, establishes an association with the roots of some plant species, we have the so-called mycorrhizae, which are divided into two large groups: ectomycorrhizas and endomycorrhizae, classified according to the morphological and anatomical aspect of colonization of plant roots by the fungus.

At ectomycorrhizas they are formed mainly by basidiomycetes and ascomycetes fungi, and occur in about 3% of phanerogams (Meyer, 1973); and in temperate regions, where the climate is colder, in 90% of forest species. In Brazil, ectomycorrhizas occur mainly in economically exploited species, such as pine, Eucalyptus and Acassia mangium.

In the ectomycorrhizas, root-associated fungi do not penetrate living root cells; and hyphae grow between cells in the root cortex, forming a characteristic structure, the Hartig network. Vegetable roots with ectomycorrhizas they are hairless and their function is performed by the fungus hyphae.

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Endomycorrhizae are more commonly found than ectomycorrhizae, occurring in approximately 80% of vascular plants. The fungus component of this association is a zygomycete, and this fungus penetrates the cortical cells of the plant's root, where it forms highly branched structures. Endomycorrhizae are often called arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, whose hyphae extend into the soil for several centimeters, significantly increasing the amount of essential nutrients and phosphate needed for the development of plant.

Many studies carried out by specialists have shown that the colonization of roots by mycorrhizal fungi considerably increases the productivity of several vegetables in low fertility soils. This is due to the greater absorption of nutrients, such as phosphorus, zinc and copper, essential for plant development. In turn, the fungus also benefits a lot from this association, as it is able to nourish itself with sugars, amino acids and other organic substances that plants produce through photosynthesis.

By Paula Louredo
Graduated in Biology

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MORAES, Paula Louredo. "Mycorrhizae"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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