Scorpion (Order Scorpiones)

Kingdom animalia
Phylum arthropod
Class Arachnid
Order Scorpions

Scorpions are arthropods belonging to the Arachnida Class, the same as spiders. Therefore, they are not insects, as they do not belong to the Order Insecta. These animals have a body divided into a prosoma, or cephalothorax; and the opistosoma, or abdomen. This last structure is divided into mesosome and metasome. In the first, we find five pairs of eyes, chelicerae, pedipalps and their four pairs of articulated legs; and in the second, this one with a similar aspect to a tail, presents its sting (telson), venom glands and anus. All over the body, they have sensory receptors.

Found in different types of habitat around the world, these animals, like spiders, are important in the population control of several invertebrates and small vertebrates. It is an efficient predator thanks to its strong pedipalps and agility – although it has one of the lowest metabolic rates in the animal kingdom.

Some species are endowed with venom, using this substance to capture and immobilize their prey. In extreme cases, they use it for self-defense. Only 24 species are potentially dangerous to our species. Deaths can be caused in approximately 0.5% of cases, resulting from cardiorespiratory arrest. Elderly people and children are the main victims.

In Brazil, scorpions of the Genus Tityus are of medical importance. Tityus serrulatus, T. bahiensis, T.stigmurus and T.paraensis are the main ones, being the first three, the yellow scorpions, the biggest responsible for accidents. It is worth noting that these animals are not aggressive, and that accidents usually occur due to the victim's distraction, when putting on shoes with the animal inside, turning trunks without gloves, or stepping on favorable terrain, without proper protection.
The poison causes, in addition to local pain, a slight wound; but that can evolve, in a few hours, to symptoms such as sweating, nausea, cardiac arrhythmia, tremors, among others. Its severity is related to the proportion between the amount of injected poison and the body mass of the individual bitten, in addition to their immunological status. Treatment consists of using local anesthetics and, in more serious situations, specific serum.
To avoid accidents, it is important to avoid the accumulation of debris in the home environment, cleaning period of the residence, keep the garden with trimmed grass and no excess leaves on the ground and management correct the garbage. In rural areas or areas prone to the occurrence of these animals, it is necessary to shake off clothes and shoes before using them; use leather-scraped gloves when handling wood, logs or holes; and always walk with your feet protected.

By Mariana Araguaia
Graduated in Biology

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