Opening of ports: what was it, causes, importance

THE opening of ports to friendly nations it was one of the first measures taken by Dom João VI, right after the Portuguese royal family landed in Brazil, in 1808. Since the beginning of colonization, in 1500, there was the Colonial Pact, that is, Brazil could only trade with Portugal.

The opening of ports broke this Portuguese exclusivism on Brazilian trade, promoting the entry of other products in our market, such as industrialized products manufactured in England. This action had a direct consequence in the process of independence of Brazil.

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What was the opening of the ports?

Dom João VI was responsible for signing the document that allowed the opening of Brazilian ports to friendly nations.
Dom João VI was responsible for signing the document that allowed the opening of Brazilian ports to friendly nations.

At the beginning of the 19th century, the French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte he promoted a fierce campaign against England. One of the measures adopted was the Block Çcontinental, in which European countries were banned from trading with England. Whoever did not break his commercial relations with the English would have his kingdom invaded by French troops.

Portugal, who was commanded by the Prince Regent Dom João VI, took into account the debts that his kingdom had with England and decided not to comply with the blockade and the maintenance of commercial relations with the British. Napoleon Bonaparte didn't let it go and sent his troops to invade the Portuguese kingdom.

Not being able to respond to the French invasion, Dom João VI decided to leave Portugal and move to Brazil, Portuguese colony in America. It was the first time that a king transferred his reign to a faraway place in Europe. England not only financed the transfer of the Portuguese family, but also carried out the overseas escort from Portugal to the Brazilian coast. Of course, this protection was not made for free. The English demanded from Dom João VI that Brazilian ports be opened for the entry of English products. In this way, the Colonial Pact that had existed since 1500 lost its value. You products from England began to circulate within the Brazilian market.

Importance of opening ports

The entry of English products in the Brazilian market promoted the end of the portuguese monopoly about the colonial economy. From 1500 to 1808, Brazil was supposed to trade only with Portugal. The opening of the ports promoted, a priori, the break of this Brazilian dependence on the Portuguese metropolis. However, this did not mean economic freedom for Brazil, but a new dependency, but this time for England.

In the political sphere, the opening of the ports promoted the bringing Brazil closer to other European nations, and not just with Portugal. This diversity of negotiations on European products favored the weakening of Portuguese rule in Brazilian territory, as well as the advancement of ideas related to political freedom in Brazil. THE coming of the royal family to Brazil brought numerous changes, not restricted to the opening of ports, but also involved, among other measures, the emergence of the press, which allowed greater circulation of ideas and debates on the colony's directions towards its independence.

Document authorizing the opening of ports in 1808.
Document authorizing the opening of ports in 1808.

Opening of ports to Brazil

For Brazil, the opening of the ports promoted a diversification of our economy through the circulation of products from other countries, significantly increasing the consumption of these products among the colonial population. British goods benefited the most from this opening, as, in addition to entering a new and growing consumer market, they paid less taxes. Even Portuguese products paid more taxes than English ones.

The opening of the ports promoted the suspension of the 1765 permit, which prohibited the installation of industries in Brazil. From 1808 onwards, the installation of first manufactures in Brazilian territory.

See too: What was the Joanine Period?

Consequences of opening ports

The opening of the ports was a measure that first changed the direction of the economycolonial. It promoted the breaking of the Colonial Pact and encouraged the entry of new European products into the Brazilian market. Even though England was the main beneficiary of this opening, Brazil went through significant transformations that accelerated the process of independence from Portugal.

Summary of opening of ports

  • The opening of the ports was the end of the Colonial Pact, that is, the end of Portuguese exclusivism on the Brazilian economy and the commercialization of European products.
  • Dom João VI signed the port opening treaty, narrowing Portugal's dependence on England and leaving this dependence as a legacy for Brazil.
  • The opening of the ports had consequences for the process of independence in Brazil.

solved exercises

Question 1 - The opening of the ports brought about the end of the Colonial Pact, that is, the Portuguese domination over Brazilian trade, allowing the entry of English products. In addition to these changes in the economy, highlight the alternative that correctly points to the change in Brazilian policy after the opening of the ports.

A) Helped in Brazil's independence process.

B) The British pressured Brazilians to end slavery.

C) The Portuguese went to war with the English for the control of sugar produced in Brazil.

D) England supported the maintenance of Brazil as a colony of Portugal.


Alternative A. The opening of Brazilian ports to friendly nations was one of the first acts carried out by Dom João VI, shortly after the arrival of the Portuguese royal family in Brazil. The main beneficiary was England, which was able to sell its products on Brazilian soil. This act broke with Portuguese exclusivism over the Brazilian economy, weakening its hold on its colony in America.

Question 2 - Mark the alternative that correctly conceptualizes the opening of Brazilian ports to friendly nations.

A) It was a rectification to the orders of the Portuguese crown to maintain the Colonial Pact in Brazil.

B) When opening the ports, Brazil traded only Portuguese products.

C) The opening of the ports broke the Colonial Pact and promoted the entry of foreign products, especially British ones, into Brazil.

D) The opening of the ports was only possible after a lot of pressure from the United States on Portugal.


Alternative C. The opening of the ports was an important step in Brazil's independence process, as it weakened Portuguese rule over the economy. Brazilian market and promoted the diversification of products sold here, by allowing the entry of industrial products from England.

By Carlos César Higa
History teacher

Source: Brazil School -

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