5 Things You Should Know About Electricity

THE Electricity is one of the most recurrent subjects in entrance exams and in the National High School Examination (Enem). Electrical phenomena are so present in our daily lives that there is no way to think of a world where there is no electricity.

Check out five electricity related topics you should know!

→ Difference between AC and DC

A.D is the acronym in English for direct current, also called direct current, that is, a electric current of value and unique sense in the circuit and which has poles. Batteries generate direct currents. B.C is the acronym in English for alternating current. This means that the electric current has variable meaning and value, having phases; as opposed to direct current, where the battery's positive and negative poles exist. The electrical current used in homes, for example, is alternating current.

See too:Alternating current

What is kWh?

kWh is the acronym for kilo watt hour and represents the amount of electricity spent by a given device every hour of operation. The determination of the energy consumed by an electrical appliance is made through the product of the equipment's power (informed by the manufacturer) and the operating time.

1 kWh = 3.6 x 10 6 J

→ Devices that consume the most energy

Generally, the devices that consume the most electricity are those related to the joule effect (transformation of electrical energy into heat). In this case, iron and electric shower are the biggest villains. A survey carried out by the Brazilian Institute for Consumer Protection (Idec) shows that, of the products used daily in the laundry and in the kitchen, the cooktop and the refrigerator are the equipment that consumes the most electricity.

Some simple steps can be taken to save electricity. Look:

  1. Leave as many clothes as possible to be ironed at once;

  2. Replace light bulbs for models that consume less energy and always turn them off when leaving a location;

  3. Use the electric shower in winter position only when necessary;

  4. Keep doors and windows closed when the air conditioning is working and always clean the equipment filters;

  5. Do not leave devices such as televisions and computers on stand-by.

See too: Electricity

→ Power generation

There are several ways to generate electricity. In Brazil, the main form of generation is through the hydroelectric, where the power of river water generates the movement of the turbines responsible for generating electricity, which occurs due to the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction.

Electricity in Brazil is also generated by thermoelectric and nuclear power plants. The Brazilian energy review provided by the Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) indicates that 75.5% of Brazil's internal energy supply is renewable energy.

See too:Hydro-electric energy

→ Countries that consume the most electricity

United States of America (USA) and China together they represent around 40% of the consumption of all electricity in the world. Brazil is among the ten largest consumers of electricity in the world.
By Joab Silas
Graduated in Physics

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/fisica/5-coisas-que-voce-deve-saber-sobre-eletricidade.htm

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