Period composed by coordination

Before emphasizing the characteristics of the period composed by coordination, let us first analyze the example:

"They linked arms and walked down the street." (Machado de Assis)

Analyzing it, we find that there are two verbs: give (gave) and descend (descend). Therefore, it is a period, given the presence of more than one verb. Continuing with our reasoning, let us now deal with breaking down the prayers that make up this period:

They joined arms / Walked down the street.

Another aspect that is also present is that both clauses are independent, that is, one does not depend on the other, in terms of syntactic terms, to be endowed with meaning. Here is the main reason they are conceptualized as coordinated prayers. They, in turn, can appear without the presence of a connective (conjunction), as they can also be linked by it, as shown in the original example, ie: "They linked arms and walked down the street."

Syndetic x Syndetic coordinates

When they are evident without the presence of the connective, they are called

asyndetic (the prefix “-a” denotes the absence of something). When they have a connective, they are called syndectic. Thus, according to the sense (meaning) demarcated by this element that links them (connective), they receive different classifications, as we will see later. Thus, we have:

Additive coordinated prayers

Additive coordinated clauses, as the concept portrays us well, are related to the idea of ​​addition, addition. Therefore, they are represented by the conjunctions "and", "nor", "but also":

Is it over there nor study nor works.

the boy is educated and intelligent.

Not only is it smart, but also educated.

→ Adversative coordinates

They, in turn, reveal facts or concepts that precede what is stated in the previous coordinate, thus establishing an idea of ​​opposition, contrast. They are usually introduced by the conjunctions "but", "however", "however", "however", "however", "however":

Do not stop now... There's more after the advertising ;)

He tried very hard, Yet, did not get a good result.

She turns out to be a kind person, still, does not prove to be trustworthy.

It was a very cozy place, However, we were not well received.

→ Alternative coordinates

The term “alternatives” relates to the idea of ​​alternation. Therefore, we assert that alternative coordinates express facts or concepts that alternate or exclude each other. The conjunctions that represent them are demarcated by "or... or", "well... now", "already... already"... "would you like... would you like":

Or Do you work, or look for another place to stay.

Would you like you want, would you like no, we will visit him.

Now was calm, now hectic.

→ Explanatory coordinates

Coordinated explanatory clauses confer the explanation referring to an order, suggestion, or supposition. They are usually introduced by the conjunctions "that", "because", "because", "because":

Respect him, because it is an older person.

I couldn't attend the meeting why he had an urgent commitment.

"Do not run away, what I follow you...” (Menotti Del Picchia)

→ Final coordinates

Literally, conclusives are related to the idea of ​​conclusion. In this way, we affirm that they express a logical conclusion obtained in relation to the facts expressed in the previous coordinate. They are introduced by the conjunctions "logo", "therefore", "therefore", "therefore", "because":

Performed well on the test, soon, demonstrated to be capable.

Today is quite hot, therefore, we will go to the club.

He didn't value his beloved's company, that is why, today he is alone.

By Vânia Duarte
Graduated in Letters

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