Month-to-month follow-up

Human pregnancy occurs as a result of fertilization of the secondary oocyte (female gamete) with sperm (male gamete); usually between 24 and 36 hours after the oocyte is released from the ovary.

This is a period that presents several essential and very specific events, forming little the little a new living being, with characteristics specific to its species, and significant similarities with its country. For this, successive mitoses occur, in addition to processes related to cell differentiation.

Human gestation usually lasts nine months, and its onset is usually counted from the first day of the last menstrual period; if the pregnant woman is not aware of the exact date of conception. To make the bills easier, considering that there are months of 31, 30 or even 28 days, it is also common to adopt the weekly calculation, instead of the monthly one. Thus, it can be said, more specifically, that pregnancy lasts an average of 280 days, or 40 weeks.

Knowing each of these stages is interesting, as it allows you to know what its typical symptoms are and also helps to identify which stage of development the baby is at. It is worth remembering that more important than that is to do prenatal care. The sooner the better, that is: from the suspicion of pregnancy, the woman can now seek this care; and the interval between two appointments should not exceed 8 weeks.

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Prenatal care allows future mothers to receive proper guidance regarding the care they should have with pregnancy, from nutrition to the prevention or early treatment of diseases, mainly due to a range of tests that are Requested. In addition, prenatal care guides them about childbirth and the care that should be adopted after the child is born. It is worth remembering that the Unified Health System (SUS) guarantees free care to all pregnant women.

In this section, you will find the main events and care related to the human gestational process. Remember that here are considered lunar months, that is: 28 days, 4 weeks and, therefore, there is also the 10th month.

Happy reading and pregnancy!

By Mariana Araguaia
Biologist, specialist in Environmental Education

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