Request letter: objectives, structure, example

THE request letter is a textual subgenre whose function is to establish the communication between interlocutors in different positions of power, so the recipient can help or solve the sender's problem. In this way, its structure obeys a formality between the interlocutors, presenting a concise and respectful language.

Furthermore, the context of use of each request influences the structure of the letter and may require specific information. The letter of request has similarities to the letter of complaint, however this one is made to present an indignation, while the one is made by someone who wishes to make a request.

Read too: Open letter - letter aimed at convincing the recipient and the general public

Purpose of the request letter

In the request letter, as the name already points out, something is requested for a certain someone, in order to, with this, get what you want or at least get help for the need in question. Therefore, the request letter is used when it is necessary ask some power figure for help.

The request letter fits within the genres of business letters, i.e, cards that establish communication between formal subjects, companies, institutions, etc. So it's a gender with a certain impersonality between interlocutors, although there is some power relationship between them.

Structure and characteristics of the request letter

A request letter is a means of soliciting assistance from some power figure.
A request letter is a means of soliciting assistance from some power figure.

The request letter has a short structure, as it has a certain conciseness and objectivity in the language that limit the development of ideas and the extension of the request. It is a letter aimed solely at establishing the communication of the request.

The structure will be divided into short functions that make up the textual unit. At first, you should mark the time and space in which the letter was written, identify the recipient and the sender, insert vocative and insert the request, followed by thanks and farewell.

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In addition to these characteristics, it is important to pay attention to the proper use of the Portuguese language, as this genre requires a more formal and respectful treatment with the recipient, showing respect to the one who will be asked, so it is necessary that the letter be written in the cultured variety.

In this sense, it is necessary to observe the use of treatment pronoun suitable for the position of the sender and the distancing from language, that is, the formality present in the text, to respect the formal and work contexts.

Finally, another very relevant detail is that the request letter is argumentative, that is, it must present substantiated justifications for the request. Do not make a request letter. narrative, as well as it is necessary to avoid everything that is out of the focus of the request.

How to write a request letter

To make a request letter, it is necessary, first of all, have a clear request in mind, as well as a recipient with power regarding the subject of the request, as it is no use requesting something from a power figure who works in another area.

It may seem like a simple detail, but in fact, this is essential information, as the letter is a gender which is established directly between two interlocutors, even if one is an institution representative.

After this first moment, you can start writing the letter directly. To do this, organize the text information in the following order:

  • place and date;

  • identification of the recipient with proper use of the treatment pronouns;

  • vocative, to call the caller and mark the beginning of the message;

  • body of the text, where the request is made, presenting arguments to justify and convince the recipient;

  • farewell expression;

  • signature;

  • sender's name.

See too: Argumentative letter - defending the point of view of a sender to a recipient


À (appropriate treatment pronoun) (name of institution or person)

(Additional information about the recipient)

(Subject of the letter)

I, (full name), (nationality), (marital status), (profession), (data required to identify the sender), resident at the address (address), in the capacity of (sender's position), I hereby, by means of this letter, request (request and justification).

I await the response and response regarding the request. (or other ending expression)

(City), (day) of (month) of (year).



(full name below signature line)

The model above is a generic example and can be applied in various situations of use of the request letter. Depending on the context of use, some details will be adapted, such as the sender's information — in some cases, it may be necessary to present the number of documents, for example.

Also, when it comes to professional environments, it is possible that specific data information, restricted to this context, is required. In this case, it is necessary to insert and adapt the letter, so that it presents what is necessary to understand the request.

It is necessary to be careful when introducing the recipient, as, in addition to entering the name, the addition of registration information and professional data may be required. All these specificities are outlined in the context of use, so, in addition to the basic structure, it is essential to consider the requirements of the context.

In requesting a more justifiable request, each sender must clearly and objectively present what is wanted, what is wanted and the importance of the request made in the letter. There should be no lengthy narratives, nor information that does not contribute to the fulfillment of the order.

Difference between complaint and request letter

The letter of request is intended to request something from some power figure. In contrast, the complaint letter is intended to present a complaint, an indignation about something, to someone who is responsible or who can solve the problem.

In the request, the sender is in the default position, from someone who needs something and, therefore, he asks for help with his problem, presenting, for that, arguments that support and convince the recipient to help him.

In the complaint, the sender is in an impaired position, someone who, for some reason, feels the need to show some indignation. In this sense, the aim is not just to get help, but also to report something negative.

Both types have similarities between their content and their form, but the details that differentiate them are essential for the author to choose the appropriate subgenre for his need and, therefore, be more successful with his Communication.

By Talliandre Matos
Writing Teacher

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