Form and function of cells

A cell, according to genetic control, has a shape related to the function it performs. In vegetables, the morphology is limited due to the presence of the cellulosic wall giving angularity to cells with a rhombohedral aspect, while in animals the absence of the wall allows for varied formats.

- In the stratified pavement epithelium (of the skin, for example), the cells have polyhedral shapes, giving a degree of proximity that performs mechanical protection, as well as preventing water loss through dehydration, coating the body with a lot of efficiency.

- In muscle tissue, the elongated shape and structure of cells contribute to the ability to contract and stretch.

- In the blood connective tissue, the red blood cells (the red blood cells), with a flattened shape and central region domed (biconcave), provide better oxygen gas transport and distribution to the various tissues of the body.

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- In the nervous tissue, the numerous branches (dendrites and telodendrons) of the nerve cells perform the reception of stimuli and the transmission of nerve impulses, often with great speed.

- The shape of the sperm, consisting of a head, an intermediate piece and a tail, allows for greater mobility.

External factors can influence the anatomical behavior of a cell. The pressure exerted by the cell cluster on a tissue can remodel the structure of each unit, given the malleability conferred by the plasma membrane.

By Krukemberghe Fonseca
Graduated in Biology

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RIBEIRO, Krukemberghe Divine Kirk da Fonseca. "Shape and function of cells"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.

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