Verbal Agreement - The special cases of the compound subject

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In verbal agreement, we have some cases that can generate doubts about the compound subject and the correct conjugation of the verb.
Special cases of the compound subject:
The) When the compound subject is before the verb, the latter will be plural.
Example: Paola and Pedro liked in your interest to sell the house.
B) When the subject comes after the verb, the latter will be in the plural or with the nucleus of the subject that is closest to the verb.
Example: divided the food the mother, her children and her children's friends.
split the food the mother, her children and her children's friends.
ç) When the nuclei of the subject constitute a gradation, the verb is singular.
Example: Smile, peace, happiness did make me feel really good today.
d) When an indefinite pronoun (everything, nothing, nobody, somebody) summarizes the subject's cores, the verb is singular.
Example: The tribulations, the suffering, the sorrows, nothing in the separate of those who love us and we truly love them.

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When the compound subject is linked by or:
Or with a sense of exclusion, the verb is singular.
Example: Paola or Pedro will come here at home today.
Or with a sense of addition, the verb is in the plural.
Example: The ticket or the ticket they are accepted here.
Or with the sense of rectification, the verb agrees with the nearest nucleus.
Example: Full professor or professors agreed with that decision.
f) When the subject is represented by the expression “one and the other”, the verb agrees either in the singular or in the plural.
Example: One and another student did (did) the handwritten work.
g) When the subject is represented by one of the expressions “either”; “neither one nor the other”, the verb is singular.
Example: Neither one nor the other did the handwritten work.
H) When the subject is formed by infinitives, the verb is singular. If infinitives are antonyms, the verb agrees in the plural.
Examples: Smoking and drinking no bring benefits to the body.
up and down stairs they are actions that we should all do more.

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i) When the compound subject is connected by com, the verb is either singular or plural, it will depend on the emphasis you want to give: either to one of the subject's nuclei or to both.
Example: The mayor with his advisors made a good campaign.
The mayor, with his advisors, did a good campaign.
j) When the subject presents the expressions “neither...nor”, ​​“as”, “as”, “not only...but also”, the verb usually goes to the plural.
Example: Not only the use of drugs, but also the wrong company bring irreversible damage to the individual.
k) When the subject's nuclei are represented by personal pronouns of the straight case, the verb is plural.
1. me, you and he let's go today to the dentist. (we – plural)
2. you and she you will be fine until late morning. (you – plural)
3. She and he study more than necessary per day. (they – plural)

By Sabrina Vilarinho
Graduated in Letters
Brazil School Team

Verbal and Nominal Agreement - Grammar - Brazil School

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VILARINHO, Sabrina. "Verbal Concordance – The special cases of the compound subject"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.
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