How to say everyday words in English?

There are some words and phrases in Portuguese that sometimes we don't figure out how we can say its in English, but, off course, they exist! / There are some words and phrases in Portuguese that sometimes we can't imagine how we can say them in English, but of course they do exist!

Let's take a look in some words and phrases that are completely present in our everyday routine and that we can use in English to express the same thing in Portuguese. / Let's take a look at some of these words and phrases that are completely present in our daily routine and that we can use in English to express the same thing in Portuguese.

Look for the followed expressions and examples: / See the expressions and examples that follow:

  • Brag or Boast =boast

Examples: / Example:

She was bragging about her new dress again.

She was bragging about her new dress again.

  • Pimple or zit =Pimple

Example: / Example:

When he was a tenager, he was full of zits on his face.

When he was a teenager, he was full of pimples on his face.

  • goatee = Goatee

Example: / Example:

I love when my boyfriend make his goatee!

I love it when my boyfriend makes a goatee.

  • It's none of your business =It's none of your business.

Example: / Example:

- Who was that tall man I saw you with crossing the street? / Who was that tall man I saw you crossing the street?

- It's none of your business! / It's none of your business!

  • To have butterflies in one's stomachbutterflies in the stomach

Example: / Example:

I have butterflies on my stomach when my mobile phone rings and it's him.

I get butterflies in my stomach when my cell phone rings and it's him.

  • "Six-pack and pacs " =Six pack belly – Term used for men.

  • "Six-pack abs" =Six pack belly – Term used for women.

Examples: / Example:

He's got a six-pack and pacs with running and playing volleyball.

He got a six pack abs by running and playing volleyball.

Just for curiosity: Packs and Abs are abbreviation for pectorals and abdomen.

Just out of curiosity: Pacs and Abs are abbreviations for Pectorals and Abdomen.

  • give me five =Play here.

Example: / Example:

Hey may friend! Give me five, man!

Hey my friend! Play here man!

  • Killjoy, party pooper, spoilsport or wet blanket =Spoiler

Examples: / Example:

Don't act like that, don't be such a killjoy!

Don't act that way, don't be such a spoilsport!

  • Spooning =sleep with a shell

Example: / Example:

My mum and my papa were spooning all night. I think its just cute!

Mom and Dad slept together all night. I think this is so cute!

  • Sleep like a log =Sleeping like a stone.

Examples: / Example:

You slept like a log all night, I hardly believe I didn't listen to the rain.

You slept like a rock all night, I can't believe you didn't hear the rain.

  • It's like looking for a needle in a haystack =look for needle in haystack

Example: / Example:

It's a mess, I can't find anything here! It's like looking for a needle in a haystack.

This is a mess, I can't find anything here. It's like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Remember that the meaning of those words and phrases mentioned don't have the same meaning if they were translated, word by word, some of them are idiomatic expression, so they don't have a concrete meaning. If you tried translation word by word, in many cases, it will lost their meaning. / Remember that the meaning of the words and phrases mentioned do not have the same meaning if they are translated separately, word for word, some of them are idioms, so they don't have a meaning concrete. If you try to translate word for word, in many cases they will lose their meaning.

By Janaína Mourão
Graduated in Letters - English

Source: Brazil School -

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