6th month of pregnancy. Characteristics of the sixth month of pregnancy

Since we have months of 28, 30, and 31 days, some doctors often suggest that calculations for a woman's length of pregnancy be done according to the lunar calendar. This basically means considering the following:

- 1 lunar week = 7 days
- 1 lunar month = 4 weeks of 7 days = 28 days

As the period between the beginning of pregnancy and the day of delivery is about 280 days, we can see that this value corresponds to 40 weeks.

Since a lunar month is 4 weeks, 40 weeks of pregnancy corresponds to 10 lunar months.

Now that you understand these accounts, let's move on to talking about the sixth month of pregnancy. During this period, between the 21st lunar week and the 24th, the baby is still wrinkled and moves a lot. Your nails start to show, and the hair becomes more evident. Thus, the hair is denser, and the body has eyebrows and eyelashes. In addition, there is vernix caseoso on your body: a white substance that protects and prevents dehydration of the skin.
The baby starts this period with approximately 18 centimeters and 310 grams, ending the lunar month with about five centimeters more, and 540 grams. He already has his facial features formed and is already able to "train" swallowing, ingesting the amniotic fluid - which can already be processed by your digestive system, and also felt by the taste.

Her hands are stronger, developing touch. Bone marrow is already capable of forming blood cells, and the brain is developing rapidly. The ears already work very well, allowing you to recognize sounds and have a sense of balance (due to the complete formation of the inner ear).

As for the mother, her spine bends forward, and the joints located in the pelvic region become more flexible. Nausea tends to disappear, your belly is medium sized, and your belly button is more evident. It (the belly) tends to move a lot, as the child has plenty of space and is very active – which can make the mother's ribs sore. Pregnant women may also experience back pain due to breast enlargement and uterine volume.

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Due to the hormonal action, she may have mood fluctuations. In many cases, even pregnant women at this stage have greater sexual appetite. Regarding this, it is worth remembering that, except in cases where there is specific medical guidance that indicates abstinence, the pregnant woman can, yes, have sexual intercourse.

Also about hormones, also because of them, there is a tendency for hair, in general, grow significantly during this period - including in unwanted regions such as cheeks and back. The pregnant woman may also feel bloated; and have dark patches on the skin of the face (melasmus), which tend to disappear after childbirth. Anyway, the daily use of sunscreen is an excellent measure.

Feeding the pregnant woman:
As the baby's brain is developing significantly at this stage, it is very important not to forget to eat foods containing omega 3: deep-sea fish such as salmon, tuna, cod, albacore and cation; and certain vegetables such as broccoli, arugula, kale and spinach.
Calcium is also important as it allows the baby to have a number of benefits: stronger bones, good teeth, strong muscles, etc.; and prevents maternal osteoporosis. Iron, too, should not be neglected, as pregnant women have the potential risk of developing anemia.
And, of course, hydration is essential! In addition to the many benefits of this measure, hydration helps improve blood circulation and reduces swelling.

At this stage, the pregnant woman may feel some contractions, which are manifested in the uterus and abdomen. They, called Braxton contractions, or Braxton Hicks, are preparing the mother's uterus for the actual contractions, which will come later in the pregnancy.
If using a car, it is important that the pregnant woman puts on the seat belt, not forgetting that it should be placed around the belly, not on top of it.

See more!
fifth month of pregnancy
seventh month of pregnancy

By Mariana Araguaia
Biologist, specialist in Environmental Education
Brazil School Team

Month-to-month follow-up - Pregnancy - Biology - Brazil School

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