Is sitting for a long time bad?

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We spend most of our days sitting, whether it's watching television, taking a class at school, driving, or working in offices. Although it seems like a harmless practice, sitting for too long can have serious consequences.

Several published articles show the relationship between sitting for too long and health problems. Among the main consequences of this habit is the increased risk of developing diabetes, cardiovascular problems and even early death.

Interestingly, research indicates that people who sit for a long time and practice physical exercise regularly have the same risk of developing diabetes and cardiovascular problems as people sedentary. It is clear, therefore, that following the recommendations of performing physical activities periodically is not enough, it is essential not to sit for long periods.

Sitting down is also directly related to some types of cancer. Researches prove that this practice increases the risk of developing bowel, endometrial and lung cancer. The studies also make a relationship with the type of food eaten when watching television and playing video games, for example. Normally, at these times, people opt for soft drinks and unhealthy foods, such as pizza and sandwiches, which also influence the emergence of cancer.

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In addition to these problems, some studies have shown that long periods of sitting reduce telomeres, structures that protect the DNA. By decreasing sitting time, telomeres are preserved longer, protecting genetic material and preventing mutations.

We can't forget to also mention the obesity. People who spend a lot of time sitting have a reduction in metabolism and consequently a greater accumulation of fat, which can lead to obesity. Along with this disease, several other problems appear, such as increased rates of cholesterol, triglycerides and the aforementioned diabetes and cardiovascular problems.

Therefore, it is concluded that to have a healthier life, it is essential to reduce the time we spend sitting. Avoiding long periods of watching television, playing video games or surfing the internet, for example, can be a great start. At work, try to get up at least every 30 minutes, avoid having snacks at your desk and stretch. At school, get up between class breaks, try to walk during recess and, whenever possible, stretch.

Avoiding long periods of sitting can improve health.

By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos

Source: Brazil School -
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